I don't really care if Amy had a lawyer or not. It just seems fascinating to me that there could actually be disagreement over something like that. The lawyer was either there or s/he wasn't.
Welcome To Tony Palmeri's Media Rants! I am a professor of Communication Studies at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. I use this blog to try to promote critical thinking about mainstream media, establishment politics, and popular culture.
Who really cares?
A more important question might be why someone would hire a lawyer to be with them every day of the recount for a job that only pays a few grand a year. Seems kinda silly.
Because the integrity of the elections is more important than the money the candidate makes. If Becker or Weinsheim could get beat because of shoddy procedures, anyone could. But I want to ask the same question that Tony and S.B. are asking. Did Amy have a lawyer? Does anyone know?
I went to the recount monday morning. From what I could tell at that time was that the only there was from the school district.
Amy's mom showed for brief while then it was just Amy and her daughter.
So no Weinsheim lawyer on Monday.
The integrity of an election can be maintained without a candidate having to hire a lawyer. Look at some of the other recounts this community has seen throughout the years. Candidates have not come with lawyers. This was an example of Dan Becker wanting to upstage his opponent and the recount workers. Talk about intimidation.
For the record, Mr. Becker did hire a lawyer but he did not have the lawyer present at all times, she came a couple of times to address the board of canvassers and their lawyer (at one point Mr. Becker asked that he have the minutes in a day or two so his lawyer could have them, he was told his lawyer could attend the hearing but Mr. Becker said at $200 per hour he wasn't going to pay his lawyer to sit there. Of course the district really had no choice, given the nature of the proceedings the district has to pay the lawyer who advises the board of canvassers...
Teresa Thiel
Nice spin, Teresa. Why not throw in that Amy brought her daughter because daycare is so expensive and Mr. Becker is such a big meany for forcing her to change her schedule and inconveniencing Amy. Keep leaving out that this was Mr. Becker's right just as much as Amy's. Would you be so negative and snotty if Amy lost by 8 (which she did for a while) and asked for a recount? Would you be harping about lawyers and money? Would Amy be more or less of a victim? Why is Amy so upset by a process that could show she deserves the seat as opposed to people being able to walk up to her and say she only got it because of computer glitch? Wouldn't it be better if she won by votes, fueling the presumption that Amy deserves a seat on the school board? I know I could get behind a board member who clearly won the majority with no assumptions left hanging. Maybe you and Amy don't feel that way. These are questions I have.
If someone wants an answer, call Amy or Dan. We all know they were in the room. Teresa was not in the room. I know what I was told about that particular moment by someone else in the room who was taking that part of the notes I put on my blog, but I was not there at that particular time. First hand knowledge is less likely to be questioned. Call Amy or Dan.
Michelle, why don't you get off your damn high horse once and for all...
It sounded like Mrs. Thiel was making the point that Becker did not hire someone to be there during the entire recount like someone had commented on earlier. But you're so busy protecting yourself and your friends from what you perceive as threats that you're coming off as nothing but smug and defensive. You just can't see the forest for the trees can you?
But that's all right Michelle. Continue acting like a smart aleck. Every time you open your mouth to make another snotty comment you dig a bigger hole for yourself. Soon it will be so big you won't have to worry about any challengers burying you should you run next year. You're doing a marvelous job burying yourself.
You tell her Cheryl!
Guess again.
And I should take someone named "Anonymous" seriously because...
And Thiel wasn't being smug and defensive about her favorite candidate how?
Explaining a position is defensive how?
Standing up for someone or something you believe in is smug, defensive, snarky, snotty, how?
Anytime you would like to discuss this, feel free to call or email me personally. Or would the anonymous(es) prefer keep this going in public where you are sure to get some attention. As for who any of the anonymouses are, does it really matter to anyone but themselves?
Mrs. Monte says she doesn't take anonymouses seriously but she pounces on every opportunity to respond to them. If anyone is giving attention to these nameless people it's her.
It's all in the way it's done Mrs. Monte. Humility is second nature for many while others come off as entrenched in smugness and arrogant. Have a pleasant day.
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