The new Oshkosh Common Council today showed little enthusiasm for all three of Mayor Bill Castle's stink bomb proposals at today's organizational meeting. Burk Tower was named deputy mayor.
Meanwhile in the new council seating arrangement, Bryan Bain gets to sit in between Dennis McHugh and Paul Esslinger.
God help Bryan. He'll have his work cut out for home dealing with these 2.
Stink bombs?
Boys separated by seating charts?
Snide remarks written on public "walls" ?
Hmmm... what does this all remind me of?
What's your point about Brian sitting between Paul and Dennis?
Just saw the recast of the council meeting today. Strange, my negative reaction to Mr. McHugh. There he was, his first day, fussing about minute details, seeming to KNOW when, in fact, he did NOT.
What a little man. How constricted his horizons seem. He dithers, which is fine for Miss. Marple but oh so unbecoming in a mature man.
Most of us are flawed in one way or another. Mr. McHugh comes to us with a history. He embodies the traits of an old maid, perfectly secure in the illusion that he is doing his best for the community.
We get what we pay for. We have bought the limitations of Mr. McHugh. Heaven help us. Heaven help us.
Dunno Jody. Why don't you tell us?
McHugh did seem lost. At one point he was still hung up on citizen statements but the council had already moved past that. He looked lost and had trouble keeping up. If he's that confused this early in the game what lies ahead for us over the next 2 years?
I like the meat in the sandwich but I think we need a different kind of bread. This low-fat kind must go.
Anonymous 11:21
I announced several months ago on this blog that I no longer respond to anonymous or pseudonymous posts. So if someone with a real name and contact information were to ask the question, I'd be happy to answer. Best, -TP
McHugh was the only Councilor not attending the town meeting on the garbage forum. Funny, since that was his big issue, and he just joined the Council. Had he been there, we could have heard all of his ideas for repealing it. And he could have learned that things like the "Floating Docks" expense, could not have been put towards the deficit made up by the garbage fee. Capital expenses and operating expenses were explained very clearly. So again, if the City had not purchased the floating docks, no more money would have been available to prevent the garbage fee.
Tony, don't be a coward..... answer the question that was posed to you.
What's the point about Brian sitting between Paul and Dennis.
What difference does it make if the question is being asked by someone anonymously, it's not disrespectful, and it's not attacking anyone. Just answer the question.
It would have been nice for the Northwestern to explain that in their article today. But, as per usual, they missed a genuine opportunity to educate the people. They could also have mentioned that McHugh was absent. How did he get into an artcle about an event he refused to attend?
Because Tony has a policy of not responding to anonymous comments or questions he is a coward? Why doesn't the person who is so concerned about the seating arrangement remark sign their name? They have not attacked anyone (what a change from recent events here) and were not vulgar or rude. Why then are they so adamant about remaining secret? Are they afraid we might think they are thin-skinned or paranoid if it would be learned that they were a city council member?
Did he know about the meeting? I've missed a couple of council meetings, so I'm not sure how much it was publicised. If he knew about Brian's meeting and simply decided not to come I think he has done the community a disservice. If that's the case, it will be pretty evident that we didn't elect Dennis McHugh to the council, we simply elected his over-inflated ego.
Councilor McHugh mentioned to me at yesterday's reorganizational meeting that he had a prior commitment and would not be able to attend the town hall meeting. Additionally, Councilor Scheuermann also did not attend due to a previously scheduled vacation.
P.S. Hold the mayo...I'm not big on condiments! :)
Why is Anonymous 11:21 and 10:03 getting their undies in a bundle over this remark? Do they not understand Mr. Palmeri's humor? They need to lighten up.
Maybe Tony is turning into a Cheryl Hentz, God forbid.
Tony won't respond to anons because he cannot handle criticism. He might be able to retort if he knew who you were, and could just attack you personally, but without that fallback he doesn't want to chance it.
Ah yes anon 12:19 you have the courage of a gnat.
More personal attacks on people from from Internet trolls. The jealousy displayed is nothing but a sad cry for help. Don't despair oh weak ones. Help is but a phone call or mouse click away. Best of all, you can be anonymous there too.
Hopefully Bain's dedication will rub off on the councilors that skip meetings for cribbage, and miss the largest public forum on the issue that they claim to care the most about for 'personal reasons'. I am sure Esslinger and McHugh will continue to be merely a cruel joke on the rest of the council and city. Tony is right in the analogy, Bain is the meat of the white-bread fluff and meaninglessness on either side of him.
the voters don't agree with citizen and anonymous. irrelevant fringe dwelling moonbats are just that!
Thanks for the information about Dennis and Meredith. And thanks for having a sense of humor about the Bain sandwich. The sandwich analogy was merely an attempt, admittedly lame, to add some levity to a blogosphere in which many people, especially the trolls, need to "lighten up."
For those who are taking the analogy literally, I see meat and bread as equal parts of a quality sandwich. The bread can get stale, but the meat can have too much fat content. If Paul and Dennis stay fresh and Bryan can be a lean cut, maybe this council might do something worthwhile for the people.
Does that make Bill Castle the Pickle on the Plate?
Politics has never made me so hungry.
I like the policy of not addressing the anonymous comments. I think that I will adopt a similar approach. Trying to clarify comments made and getting more grief has been my downfall for quite some time now but I keep on walking right into it.
K Monte
Actually Tony lives in mortal fear of one person - me.
I told him that once you set a policy you have to stick by it until you announce a formal change of policy and clearly state the reasons for the change, and they'd better not be arbitrary.
So back when he posted he was done responding to Anons we actually discussed this off-blog in quit a bit of detail.
Nice job of sticking with policy while I was away, Tony. You get a nice gold star on your chart.
Wise decision. There's just nothing to be gained by responding to these people.
Yes I am terrified of you, but Babblemure can be pretty scary too.
Bird Flu! Bird Flu! Bird Flu!
Mumps! Mumps! Mumps!
(Are you scared yet?)
libel! libel! libel!
So Mr. Monte won't respond to anonymous comments either. If he's like his wife it's because he doesn't have good answers to good questions. At least he's following in most of the other blogs' footsteps and making a change. Better late than never.
Poor Bryan to be stuck between these two negative nimrods.
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