Thursday, May 18, 2006

Palmeri on Friday WPR "Week in Review"

I'll be the guest "on the left" on Joy Cardin's Wisconsin Public Radio "Week in Review" tomorrow from 8-9 a.m. The guest "on the right" will be legendary Wisconsin pundit and activist Bill Kraus.


Anonymous said...

"Thompson v. Feingold in 2008. It boggles the mind, which is a lot different from it being a bad idea"

- Bill Kraus

Scary. Like the National Bank Account isn't overdrawn enough...

Listen, I've been wondering, all these guys who are "pundits", well how do you get to be a pundit?

Is there a certificate or something, because I would like one. Is the Pundit Examining Board State or Federal? How does one transistion from Annoying Attention Getter with No Credibility to Pundit? I feel I have paid my dues now and would like to ramp up my personal gravitas.

Anonymous said...


Same something nice about Peg Lautenschlager on WPR!

Anonymous said...

Jody will NEVER be the last classification you mentioned.

I hope Jody does not gravitate toward pundit-hood. They ALL remind me of a poem I read eons ago:

"I often how the toad
Despite his slight attraction
Can be so pompous and full
Of pop-eyed satisfaction!"

Anonymous said...

Please substitute the following line for the first one in the bit of doggerel above:

I often WONDER how the toad