County Supervisor Kyle Richmond
It's time for those recognized or self-described as progressives on the Winnebago County Board (Ben Farrell, Jef Hall, Mike Norton, Donna Lohry, and others) to introduce a similar resolution for our region.
RES. 308, 05-06
The United States’ invasion of Iraq in 2003 was predicated on finding and eliminating weapons of mass destruction possessed by the government of Iraq. No such weapons were found, but the ensuing three-year occupation has incurred many costs.
The human costs include the lives of more than 2,300 U. S. soldiers and more than 37,000 Iraqi civilians. At least another 17,000 U. S. soldiers have been injured, and civilian injuries are difficult to estimate.
The financial costs include more than $247 billion that the United States has spent on the occupation, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates. That translates to more than $4 billion paid by Wisconsin taxpayers and nearly $153 million by City of Madison taxpayers. On Thursday, March 16, 2006, the U. S. Senate voted to raise the national debt limit for the fourth time in five years. The occupation of Iraq is a major reason for the continued raising of the debt limit and the record budget deficits recently sustained by the U. S. government.
The cost to United States’ stature in the international community – and the accompanying levels of safety and security that U. S. citizens around the world may rely on – has also been great due to the occupation of Iraq. The United States’ continued involvement in Iraq risks putting even more Americans in danger and further damage to its ability to earn respect and cooperation around the world.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dane County Board of Supervisors hereby calls for the withdrawal of the United States from Iraq in an effort to stop mounting military and civilian deaths, re-direct U. S. efforts to end terrorism worldwide, and reduce animosity toward the United States in the Middle East and around the world.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to President George W. Bush and all members of Wisconsin’s Congressional delegation.
Adopted by the Dane County Board of Supervisors May 4, 2006.
Bravo! I'm surprised in a way that it got this high a vote. I will e-mail my friend Al Matano with congratulations.
I would think you would want someone with some credibility to bring the motion forward. That leaves Hall and Norton out.
How much credibility doe Mr. anonymous have ?
Actually there was talk of doing county wide referendum when the city was considering there referendum, proponents decided not to pursue that route at that time.
Why doesn't the Dane County Bd. concentrate on local issues, like downsizing their board and providing lower cost services to their citizens.
Because it is Madison! Big government makes them happy.
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