All the trolls invading T2T, OshkoshNews, EyeonOshkosh and other sites should stay away from New Jersey for awhile. Assemblyman Peter Biondi is sponsoring
legislation requiring that "
The operator of any interactive computer service or an Internet service provider shall establish, maintain and enforce a policy to require any information content provider who posts written messages on a public forum website either to be identified by a legal name and address, or to register a legal name and address with the operator of the interactive computer service or the Internet service provider through which the information content provider gains access to the interactive computer service or Internet, as appropriate." An operator or Internet Service Provider would be liable for compensatory and punitive damages if defamatory anonymous comments appeared on their sites.
I think this is terrible legisation, but unfortunately because the problem of trolling is so pervasive I predict it's only a matter of time before all states pass some such legislation.
Here in Oshkosh the Internet Trolls even post
anonymous attacks in public restrooms!
Paul Esslinger wants me? Wow!
I've still got it then!
But yes, terrible legislation. I would fight this all the way. I cannot imagine anything like that passing, but then I still am in disbelief over the Patriot act.
But Tony, is that caption you added to the bottom of the poster perhaps a wee bit crass?
Not as crass as a typical troll trash taunt.
On a different note, I think many people are mistaken about just who the trolls are. There's a common misconception that the trolls are uneducated or "powerless" members of a community. In fact the trolls are more typically "respected" members of a community. They can be political party leaders, bankers, candidates, elected officials, and so on. If New Jersey IS able to reveal the identify of the trolls it would be like a scene from the old deep south when the hoods of the Klansmen would be removed--liberal southerners were always shocked to see "respected" members of the community under the hood. --TP
Trolls can also be a host on a local cable access channel, with a vicious streak, and unreliable tendencies for full disclosure.
What is it they say...one should never crap where one eats?!
How very true. Thankfully we have one less such host on local cable access these days.
I have not seen anything yet that shows a lack of full disclosure from local show hosts. What I have seen is people with opinions putting their faces and names to their beliefs, which more often than not has more truth and accuracy behind it than those who don't.
Sorry but I don't see how the Esslinger posters, supposedly by an "internet troll", show any kind of "character assassination, libel, and demagoguery". Sarcasm, yes, a slanted opinion maybe but character assassination-- hardly.
Have you finally lost it? You are comparing the snipings of a few people on inconsquential websites to the Klan?
I know I am not to talk TO the trolls but I can talk ABOUT them, right? It's nice Tony, that you are able to provide a forum for troll-folk to discuss their troll-ness, to wrestle with their consciences and identities. I
Listining in on their duscussion it seems there is an option of "Trolling for the Lord" if one's heart is pure and goals are noble bullying CAN in fact be holy.
Perhaps these individuals might find a happy home in the Bush administration. They might enjoy participating in the current Maiming and Torturing for Democracy Program.
And, I see the are important methodology issues to be settled among them as well.
I am particularly intrigued by the last person who feels that The Esslinger Toilet Memo was only slanted opinion.
I am I to assume then, that if I came to Oshkosh and publicly posted that a current candidate was a Do-nothing Namby-Pamby Mama's Boy - perhaps illustrated the poster with a caricature of him leaping around in shiny tights in an effeminate manner, that would be just my opinion? Perfectly fine? NO effect at all on the man's life or campaign? If I were to see the light and become a full-fledged troll myself, that is EXACTLY the sort of thing I would do, and I see it does fit in with the troll ethics system.
However, at this point, I would be of the opinion that it would be a mean and damaging thing to do and would not reflect very well on my own character. But then I do not have the kind of heightened ego-defenses that the trolls are displaying here. Defenses that would allow me to justify underhanded cowardly bullying behavior and still call myself a man.
Guess I'd need and operation first, but you know what I mean.
internet trolls are a pain
especially when you know them...
on the one hand this sounds nice but on the other you have free speech infringment oh well I guess you just have to deal with them.
Thanks Jody and Angel. What's really fascinating in a place like Oshkosh is that the city is small enough and the "politically engaged" crowd is still small enough so that it's entirely possible for a person to be looking face-to-face at the person who has trolled them. I marvel at human psychology and wonder what kind of mental gymnastics the trolls have to participate in so as to get through situations like that. It's like "here today, troll tomorrow." I don't think they realize that this is literally psychotic behavior.
I think as a college prof I'm probably not as bothered by the trolls. We get anonymous student comments on evaluations and all of us get sniping, bitter, nasty comments on occasion. After a few years of that kind of thing one becomes immune to it.
However, I get bothered by how the trolls end up discouraging other people from participating. Just about all of these blog sites would have double the amount of participation were it not for the trolls.
my troll betrayed my trust in him and then lied to me(even to my face!!!) and is why i moderate comments on my blog now.
Internet 'trolls' are cowads, IMO.
I don't share 99% of the views that Mr. Palmeri has, for instance. But to hide behind the hackneyed guise of 'anonymous' negates my opposing viewpoint.
IMO, this legislation flawed. Ignoring them does more than any law can hope to do.
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