Michelle is a full time grad student carrying 9 grad credits and 3 undergrad credits. She works two jobs on campus, one as a grad assistant for Dr. Crawford in African American Studies and the other for Dr. Roth in the English Department. She also works in computer based testing in Polk Library. That sure sounds like a campus candidate to me!
When we hear "campus candidate" we usually think of someone in the 18-22 year old range. Michelle is part of the growing number of "non-traditional" students at UW Oshkosh. She is certainly setting an excellent example of civic involvement for her peers.
Voter turnout may be low on April 4th, but it won't be due to lack of a campus candidate. Michelle Monte is that candidate.
She may be a 'campus candidate', but she sure doesn't have any good ideas for the district.
Partnerships with local businesses is not a good idea? A district newsletter designed and printed by students is not a good idea? Plans that address the needs of all students is not a good idea? Back up plans are not good ideas? Pahsing in large expensive plans are not good ideas? Creative ideas for building revenue is not a good idea? Communication is not a good idea?
I guess you'll be voting for the tax and spend incumbants. The same ones who put us in the $500,000+ structural deficit which will nearly triple next year. I suppose you are voting for the ones who are going to use 4 year olds to fund the district when the state won't gaurantee that money will be there. I suppose you are going to vote for Amy who successfully quashed any effort to look at the boundary issue three years ago and now says we may need to close existing buildings or build new schools. Not to mention that Amy wrote the policy to allow alcohol on West property without consulting the district's insurance carrier to find out liability issues. Yeah, I know Kimball Auditorium is a community auditorium, but it is ON WEST PROPERTY. Perception is reality and lawsuits are expensive.
What ideas have any of the other candidates come up with on anything. All I have heard is how things have got to change with no plans in mind. Or how the district needs to take a business-like approach, with no ideas mentioned. Or how the BOE needs to be more managerial and be leaders but no ideas how you are going to get all of the board members to comply.
Do you actually believe someone attending the orchestra at the Kimball auditorium is going to get tanked up or that there would be lawsuits filed? That is preposterous. Besides, even if the district got sued I bet it's insurance policy would cover the first, oh I don't know, say $50,000. Right Paul Esslinger?
Yeah, we should serve alcohol. It will go well with the DARE program.
Get a grip on what is what. It is called a civic auditorium for a reason. When events wouod be going on that have minimal amounts of alcohol served, students are not there. They are evening performances. These kids see more alcohol served at Sawdust Days or probably even in their own homes than they'd be affected by at the Kimball. Stop trying to legislate morality. If Parents have instilled good morals in their kids, they're not going to be swayed by a modest glass or 2 of wine during an intermission, should they see it. And if they haven't had a proper upbringing they're most likely drinking at high school age anyway in violation of the law. People need to be realistic about this instad of idealistic.
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