Thursday, February 14, 2008

The McCain Answer to "Yes, We Can"

This is funny but also a bit chilling when you consider the fact that McCain has a real chance of getting elected in November:

That video, of course, is a take off on "Yes, We Can" which is now at almost 4 million views(!):

And what would a post like this be without a Hillary video?:


Ron said...


Those videos (McCain and Hillary) are HILLarious! I don't know which one made me laugh harder, the McCain one, which is clearly a spoof, or the Clinton one, which is about the most pathetically sad thing I've seen.

What were they thinking???

Working To Make A Living said...

Here is a what if? Now pay attention, especially you -we should be personally responsible for our actions republicans- When making a choice for president, consider "what if" you will be held partially responsible for their actions, while in office. I know being held responsible for your actions is a new idea to Americans, but maybe whe might give it a try.