2024 Update: This post is continuously updated to include links to Media Rants written POST 2022 --Tony P.
Believe it or not--and most days I personally cannot believe it--August of 2022 is the twentieth anniversary of Media Rants. It started out as a monthly print newspaper column for the independent Fox Valley (WI) SCENE newspaper, which at that time had an office in Appleton, WI. Then editor Tom Breuer was familiar with (and a fan of) my media work in Oshkosh, and he asked me if I would write a monthly column of media criticism. He even suggested calling it "Media Rants." The first column was called "Local EAA Coverage Buries the Lead."
Back then the Fox Valley SCENE newspaper was available throughout the Valley in coffee shops, grocery stores, street vending machines and other locations. Readers frequently contacted me (usually via email or phone) to offer feedback, or praise the column, or condemn it. I didn't realize that the column actually had somewhat of a "following" until April of 2006, when I was invited to participate in a panel at the Appleton Public Library on the topic of George Clooney's film "Good Night and Good Luck" (an award-winning dramatization of legendary broadcaster Edward R. Murrow's courageous stand against the red-baiting Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy.). I met dozens of people that night who were familiar with the column, which shocked me because I had always assumed that the readership was probably little more than a handful of alienated political junkies like me. One person I met at that public library forum was Ms. Lori Hoover, who told me afterward that she was a regular reader of Media Rants. In 2013 Lori and I got married, so in a real sense Media Rants impacted my personal life as much as my public one.
I know I don't have the years exactly right, but around 2010 the SCENE had Media Rants (and most other columns) in both print and online versions. Around 2016 publisher Jim Moran removed Media Rants from the print version, apparently because one of the paper's major advertisers was bothered by my criticism of Fox News and threatened to stop advertising with the paper if Media Rants stayed in. Moran could not afford to lose the revenue, so he gave in to the commercial blackmail.
I was not upset with Jim Moran, as I knew he had a deep respect and appreciation for what I had contributed to the paper. Of course I did not like being removed, but I also understood how difficult it was to keep a small independent newspaper afloat. Seeing the SCENE survive was more important to me than seeing my name in print. Besides, by that time most of the print readers of the column had discovered the online SCENE and this blog, so I did not see any noticeable drop in attention. I told readers upset with the removal of Media Rants to contribute financially to independent media so that they do not have to rely on advertising for support.
Unfortunately, the SCENE went out of business not too long after dropping Media Rants from the print version. Though much independent media (most of it online) has emerged since, none of it in my humble opinion matches the breadth and depth that the SCENE had during its "golden period" when it was edited by Tom Breuer and then Jim Lundstrom. The loss of the The SCENE was a huge loss for the Fox Valley.
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The photo that ran in the SCENE for quite a few years. |
Even without a print or online newspaper to host it, Media Rants has continued on in this space. Social media platforms drive a significant amount of traffic to it. The column continues in part because it's important to me to "practice what I preach" to my college students. As a teacher of rhetoric and civic engagement, I'm always urging my students to think critically about public issues not only so that they become more engaged as individuals, but so that they can help others frame those issues in ways that might lead to positive change. Media Rants, for better or worse, has always tried to model some of the lessons I teach students:
*Be engaged with the community and world around you.
*On whatever issue(s) that matter to you, avoid the temptation to repeat back tired talking points. Be original and unpredictable.
*Do not sacrifice your integrity in order to get more clicks or expand your audience. If you cannot look at yourself in the mirror after writing or speaking on an issue, you're doing something wrong. If your work makes a genuine contribution to the public sphere, an audience will find you.
*Appreciate that you do NOT need an audience of millions to have an impact. If all of us positively impacted a HANDFUL of people in our immediate environment, we would be in a much better place as a city, state, nation, and world.
I've gone back over the 20 years worth of columns, and it seems like they fall into eight categories:
- Local History
- Media Criticism
- Media Theory
- War and Peace
- The First Amendment
- Democracy and Human Rights
- Music Criticism
- Public Address Criticism
Below are links to some of my favorite Media Rants columns in each of those categories. Some of them have hyperlinks in them that are no longer active that I have not had a chance to fix--my apologies. Columns with three asterisks (***) next to them are the ones that are either my personal favorites and/or received the most audience feedback.
Local History:
- Press Coverage of McCarthy (April 2006)***
- Earth Day At 40 (April 2010)
- King Karma: Yesterday and Today (March 2003)
- The Oshkosh City Council: 2007-2011 Version (May 2019)
- In Memory of the PICAN Man: Robert L. "Doc' Snyder (1928-2008) (May 2008)
- On Faces and Hands: A Tribute to Doug Boone (June 2007)
- Northeast Wisconsin's Media Monopoly (August 2004)***
- Weapons of Mass Democracy (Ralph Nader's Visit to Oshkosh) (November 2004)
- Public Radio and the Wisconsin Idea (April 2007)
- Lewis Hine's Lesson For Today's Media (October 2024)
- Thank You Katie Rosenberg (April 2024)
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In my high school years in the 1970s I read Ralph Nader's "Unsafe At Any Speed" and was impressed by his passionate activism. Meeting and introducing him in Oshkosh in 2004 was a huge honor. |
Media Criticism
- The Magruder Media's Ethical Compass (November 2002)
- Northeast Wisconsin's Iron Triangle (August 2003)
- It's Not a Witch Hunt If There's A Witch (June 2004)
- Deconstructing Don Kettl (July 2004)***
- Jo Egelhoff Reviews the Post Crescent (March 2010)
- Journalism in Hyperpartisan Times (September 2011)***
- Resist Predatory Paywalls (August 2012)
- Fox Valley Media in 2022: Hopes and Expectations (December 2012)
- Ivan Boesky Broadcasters (October 2012)
- Bradlees for Bezos (October 2013)
- Cop Culture and Mindless Media Collusion (October 2017)
- Media Fumbles Football CTE Crisis (January 2014)
- Fox's Frankenstein and the Sandman (November 2015)
- Wisconsin Elections: A Cure For Lazy Journalism (August 2018)***
- How Rush Limbaugh Routed the Refuge Seekers (February 2021)
- 60 Years of Media Milestones (July 2021)
- Painful Midterm Templates (December 2022)
- The Modern Manicheans and Media (November 2023)
- On Tucker Carlson, Broken Clocks, and Media Strategy (April 2023)
- Media Should Call Out Xenophobic Showboating (April 2023)
- The January 6th Committee: Government of the Media, By The Media, For The Media (February 2023)
- The 2023 Tony Awards (January 2024)
- What's A Vice-President To Do? On Harris, Cheney, and Agnew (August 2024)
War and Peace
- Will We Hear the Winter Soldiers? (March 2008)***
- Media AWOL on National Guard Coverage (March 2009)
- Peace Deserves Equal Time (October 2002)
- The Meaning of Manning (September 2013)
- Gettysburg's Lesson For Today (July 2013)
- An Open Letter to Senator Russ Feingold (May 2003)
- Still Bombing After All These Years (May 2017)
- Russia v. Ukraine: A Nuanced View With Dr. Michael Jasinksi (April 2022)
- Inching Toward Glasnost - American Style (September 2017)
- It's the War, Stupid (August 2017)
- National Guard Suicides: The Problem is the War on Terror (December 2021)***
- Signs of Hope at Peace Rally (April 2004)
- How We Won The War (May 2004)***
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Tony Palmeri and Lori Hoover met on April 27, 2006 at an Appleton Public Library event sponsored by the SCENE newspaper in which Media Rants appeared. They got married in Las Vegas on May 31, 2013. |
Media Theory
- Walter Ong on Media (October 2003)
- On Heckling v. Techling (June 2011)***
- Media Bias: Left/Right v. Top/Down (May 2022)
- Reflections on Jon Stewart (March 2015)***
- How We Kill Editorial Cartoonists (February 2015)
- Social Media Masks (October 2011)
- Roger Ailes and the Eristic Revival (June 2017)
- Awakening From the Dreamworld's Nightmare (December 2017)
- On Vertical Triangulation (April 2019)
- Ocasio-Cortez, Shapiro, and Arguers as Lovers (September 2018)
- Still Photos After All These Years (August 2016)
- On Trumpism, Media, and Paradigm Shifts (December 2019)
- A Social Media Home Run: Yanks and Rays Team Up On Gun Violence (June 2022)
- Artificial Intelligence, the Free Market, and Joyless Culture (June 2023)***
First Amendment
- Fondy High First Amendment Fight (May 2014)
- The Not So Invisible Mann (March 2014)
- Yes We Have No Menckens (March 2024)
- COVID-19's Challenge To Free Speech (May 2020)***
- Dr. Chris Terry on Net Neutrality and Media Ownership (November 2017)
- Justice Stevens' Uneven First Amendment Legacy (June 2010)
- From Blackstone to Blogging (April 2006)
- Real Assaults on Free Speech (August 2023)
- What If First Graders Google "Waukesha School Board?" (August 2023)
- Campus Protests and Occupation in the Digital Age (May 2024)
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The UW Oshkosh Learning in Retirement organization invites me to speak at least twice a year. Most times I talk about themes that appear in Media Rants columns. It was an honor to receive a teaching award from the organization. |
Democracy and Human Rights
- Fighting Reactionary Politics: Real Liberals, Real Conservatives, and Real Radicals Must Work Together (April 2005)***
- The 2010 Tony Awards (November 2010)
- Talking Trump in 2116 (December 2016)
- A TV Debate in 1860 (December 2015)***
- The Pope Mystifies Mr. Jones (November 2015)
- The Proud History of Wasted Votes (September 2016)***
- America's Children Need UN Intervention (March 2018)***
- On Filbusters: Silent v. Civic (February 2022)
- The Enemy of a Pathetic Granfalloon (February 2019)
- For Compulsory Voting (October 2010)
- Election 2020 in Wisconsin: Thank You Meagan Wolfe (December 2020)
- Educating for the Public Sphere (July 2015)
- Tears For Spheres (April 2020)
- A Free Press Infrastructure Project (May 2009)
- Minimizing Omnicide (January 2020)
- The Third Score of Shame (September 2021)
- From Pitiful Pierce to Pugacious Polk: Ranking the One-Term Presidents (February 2021)
- Government by Don't Think Tanks and Twitter Trends (November 2021)
- Baseball Owners and Big Media Strike Out on Decency (April 2008)
- Talila Lavin's anti-Fascism Primer (April 2021)
- Government by Don't Think Tanks and Twitter Trends (October 2021)
- Love For All, Hatred For None (April 2023)
- The Rational Revolution (December 2023)
- Herb Kohl's Mixed Legacy (February 2024)
- How Hank Aaron Taught Me Silence Is Consent (April 2024)
- Media Rants Talks to Mike McCabe (April 2015)
- Media Rants Talks to Jay Heck (November 2011)
- Media Rants Talks to Sam Mayfield (November 2014)
- Media Rants Talks to Curt Andersen (July 2005)
- Media Rants Talks to Stephen Richards (October 2007)
- Media Rants Talks to Ron Hardy (August 2008)
- Media Rants Talks to Tom Breuer (May 2018)
Music Criticism
- Frank Zappa's Freak Out! at 40 (July 2006)
- Eric Burdon's 1968 Rock Gospel Against Empire (July 2018)
- On Woodstock and Authentic Rock and Roll (August 2019)***
- Deep Purple's In Rock at 50: In Praise of Metal For the Ear (June 2020)
- Live AID at 36; Reflections on the Cooptation of Rock (August 2021)***
- Music, Politics, and the Summer of Love (July 2007)
- Celebrating the Music of 1972, Part 1 (July 2022)
- Celebrating the Music of 1972, Part 2 (September 2022)
- Celebrating the Music of 1973, Part 1 (July 2023)
- Celebrating the Music of 1973, Part 2 (October 2023)
- Celebrating the Music of 1974, Part 1 (April 2024)
- Celebrating the Music of 1974, Part 2 (June 2024)
- The Ten Bold Cover Tunes Series (various dates)
Public Address Criticism
- Challenge Common Sense (April 2013)
- The Bad Man Speaking Poorly (November 2016)
- Loving Your Enemies: The King Speech We Need Right Now (August 2020)***
- Obama in Osawatomie and Trump in Tulsa: Tempered v. Toxic Trolling (July 2020)
- Judges are Like Umpires: John Roberts' Supremely Silly Simile (October 2018)
- Rethinking JFK's Edmund G. Ross (October 2020)***
- Ten Noteworthy 21st Century Speeches (October 2021)
- Dumb Contemporary Commonplaces, Part 2 (June 2021)
- Dumb Contemporary Commonplaces, Part 1 (May 2021)
- The How and Why of "Weird" (September 2024)
- The Katie Hobbs Debate Principle and Other Post-Debate Musings (July 2024)
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