She's at her most rambunctious, throwing verbal grenades in the direction of Julie Pung-Leschke, Gordon Hintz, Polly Briley, Gregg Underheim, Carol Roessler, Meredith Scheuermann, and others. She refused to close the door on the possibility of her running in the Democratic Party primary for the 54th assembly district. She said she'll run as a Democrat for practical reasons and because "The Republicans lie . . . I hold them in great disdain . . . they have proven themselves to not give a rat's patoot about what goes on around here." Fun stuff.
Wow. Is there anyone this woman *does* like?
Here's an observation from a foreigner -
I do not know Julie Pung Leshke or have any opinion about her what-so-ever. And I hope to cling to that blissful state of ignorance. Yes, I really do. However, always the curious one, I just took a look at her website.
One of the first phrases to hit the visitor's eye is
"Will work to attract businesses, retain and grow jobs..."
If I were ever to run for an office *shudder* I would say nothing but that. I would repeat those two concepts until hell wouldn't have it.
Over here, on the western half of the state, any candidate that says those two things over and over and over, while avoiding expressing any controversial opinions WINS.And usually wins pretty big.
Interestingly, NO new businesses have been "attracted" over the years, nor have any jobs. Unless you count a new Kwik Trip or something, which I do not.
In fact our area has lost businesses. Making voters MORE not less needy for jobs, and MORE not less likely to be seduced by that promise. Now, what would happen if ALL the candidates in a given race repeated this mantra equally? It would be an interesting experiment wouldn't it?
Here's an observation from a another foreignor -
I do not know Melanie Bloechl or have any opinion of her either but it sure sounds like she has one of everybody whether she knows them or not. It also sounds like she doesn't like anyone or have a clue how to get along with them. From what I was told she lost her behind the last time she ran. Can it be any wonder why?
Dear Anonymous,
thanks for asking...yes there are those I do like. Let me give you a brief run down: Dennis McHugh for the City Council, Dan Becker for the School Board, Russ Feingold for President. Anonymous, you obviously have or had a problem with my views, if you actually were listening to the radio program why not call and speak your piece?
Unless of course, you really didn't listen (which is probably more to the point, because if you had you know that your statements are based on your personal emotions, than actual spoken responses from me.)
It is rather perplexing to me also that one would come to a conclusion that if we don't share the same opinion on or about someone or something, this would make one understandable unelectable? Really? Maybe someone should have informed you of my numbers as a Councilmember elected in Oshkosh. As far as my race in 2000 for Assembly, I won big..I made the Assembly admit they lied, I exposed to the 54th the sham of Shared Revenue (which up until then was NEVER discussed or understood) I helped to expose Scott McClamun as a finger pointer to local governments for the problems in Madison and with it's budget. So for me that was a very successful election year. There is more than one definition to winning than you being the only one to take home the trophy.
I look forward to you, both developing an opinion, and somewhat of a backbone in the near future. For what is the joy or sense of hiding what you feel, what is the worst that can happen, if you share who and what you really are? Big deal someone says they don't like you? Get a grip, there already are people that don't, won't and no matter how hard you try, aren't going to change their opinion of you.
Good Luck Yank!
Melanie Bloechl
I can't get the radio show over here and don't have a way to listen to it on the computer. How can something be personal when I don't even know you? I don't have to know you or hear the radio show to understand what you are like. What I've read and heard puts enough out there and your defenseive letter proves it true. You don't have a high opinion of many people and you can't have a nice discussion without becoming crass. You also refuse to see any good in anyone you don't like. How else could you lump an entire party together like you did with the Republicans? We're not all the way you described. But you have a high view of yourself and your glory years. How many years ago did those things happen? What have you done for Oshkosh lately?
For your consideration -
I have come to the conclusion that 99.9 % of anonymous remarks are not worth bothering with. They are almost NEVER the words of someone who desperately wants to speak out on an issue but is afraid of retribution from a boss or neighbor should their name be attached. They're usually poorly informed snipers.
They also usually do not deal at all with the points made by the individual they are targeting or else they are monstrously convoluted distortions of those points.
They are so often gleeful personal hits like "you are Hitler" or "you are Tony's lover" (must be the Italian Stallion thing) or like this last person, who can tell you what you're thinking. Must be Miss Cleo, writing from her jail cell.
These comments are usually aggressive insults telling you how aggressive and insulting you are. Funny.
I DID hear the show and you referred to specific incidents involving specific projects or individuals that you felt should/could have been handled differently.
For example Gordon Hintz. When discussing candidates his name naturally came up, you were asked your opinion. You stated that Gordon Hintz was running for a high powered position (true) and that he had not in your opinion paid his dues. That he had not contributed anything really to the Oshkosh community yet, that there were no years of service he could point to, no successful projects, no grassroots involvment. You said you were uncomfortable with a person of that level of inexperience AND committment asking for a leadership role.
You did not say you don't "like" him. It was not about liking. Nor was it about anger or attack. Those were the parameters set down by the first anonymous and not a valid foundation to work from. For several reasons, not the least of which being Anonymous probably doesn't know what "parameter" means.
Your decision whether to respond of course, but I am hoping you won't waste a lot of time shadow-boxing.
(FYI - you left me off your Official Liking List and I'm pretty ticked off about that.)
Good Evening Jody,
Your point is well taken! I sincerely apologize for the snub on the list. I guess asking yiu to be the President of my fan club at this stage would seem...well in bad taste?
Thanks for a factual recap of some of the show.
Look forward to more input from you!
Melanie Bloechl
p.s. (drum roll here please..the top person on the Mel-O-Meter is JODY!) (This is where the crowd goes wild) Congratulations my friend. ( for those that are far too serious about themselves, let me assure you this is what one calls tongue in cheek humor)
Dear Jody,
I have come to the conclusion that 99.9% of what you say is not worth listening to.
Gordon Hintz hasn't paid his dues by Bloechl standards in Oshkosh, but if you look at his qualifications he can certainly handle the job. Voters in Oshkosh must think so too because he came very close to beating a long time incumbant after only being there a year or so but Bloechl couldn't do as well against Underheim in her own backyard. You don't have to sign your name to a blog comment to be right or to state facts about how the people feel. As for Mrs. Bloechl's comments she made them and they say it all. Sniping Jody? Wow. Everyone got their boxers in a knot when Rickmann used that word but you have gone down to his level.
Sniper #1 from the tower
"Throwing verbal grenades":
Jody, would someone throw verbal grenades at someone they liked?
99.9% of what Jody says is personal notes to her friends and blog compadres and can't be understood anyway. When you make references to things of such personal nature it's like having a private joke amongst yourselves and leaves others in the dark and out of the discussion. Maybe that's the goal?
*right* sure, think what you want,
I could ignore you myself here, but then I would be guilty of only being understood by my friends
blog on jody!!!
You have again proven the point that there are some of you who can't have a decent conversation or accept constructive criticism for what it is. Your responsive is typical of a wise acre. Keep it up.
For Mrs. Bloechl to consider running for anything at this point would be a lost cause...She has shown she can't build coalitions; hell she doesn't even understand the meaning of it...She has no ability to see past today and would prefer to live in yesteryear...She does not know how to spend money to make money...She fails to exercise fairness and an open mind when dealing with people...She jumps to conclusions without having all the facts...These are not signs of a leader and they're not the sign of someone we need in office...To elect her to any office would be to take several steps backward, even though her ego could use the boost.
I listed to the show and I'm familiar with the Bloechl antics. Don't be fooled by this woman. She calls other people posers but how would she know what to look for if she wasn't one herself. Bloechl talks one game in public and is something else in private. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing and can not be trusted. Besides this is a woman who will embellish and overstate things to make herself look more powerful, come across as more important and feel better about herself than she should.She needs to stay out of politics tho she would fit right in with the rest of the liars, fools and pariahs.
If Melanie Bloechl thinks she is going to frighten Gordon Hintz or Julie Pung Leschke by refusing to say if she's running or not, the last laugh will be had at her expense. She likes to give the impression she's someone to fear. But how tough can you be when you can'g get anything accomplished because you can't rally the troops on your side. A run by Bloechl for the 54th will be a non starter.
Good luck Yank?? Now there's the sign of someone who is highly educated.
She and all her anonymous comments on blogs are full of phoney baloney.
Yes they are and she's running out of places to post coz people are on to her.
It isn't just anonymous comments. She writes with different monikers too.
Yup and someone even called her at home and told her to knock it off. She denied making several anonymous posts dragging someone through the mud, then called them a bunch of names on the phone (that's mature and professional) but guess what? Most of the remarks stopped, at least for awhile. How ironic. We've got her MO all figured out.
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