Thursday, October 19, 2006

WPR/St. Norbert Poll Results

The latest WPR/St. Nortbert College poll has Jim "Coke" Doyle leading Mark "Pepsi" Green by a 51-38 margin. Since neither Coke nor Pepsi and their establishment sponsors would let Nelson "Clean Water" Eisman in the debates, he polls at only 1%.

The attorney general race seems closer than it should be, with Falk ahead of Van Hollen by a 44-38 margin with 12% unsure and 7% claiming to support another candidate (McGruff the crime dog, perhaps?).

On the referendum questions, bringing the death penalty back is currently favored by a 50-45 margin. The "yes" vote on the marriage amendment is ahead 51-44.

I think it's significant that the poll does not reach cell phone users, meaning that there is probably not an accurate read for the 18-40 year old age group. True, that group will probably not vote in high numbers anyway, but on the death penalty and marriage amendment they could be the swing.

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