Welcome To Tony Palmeri's Media Rants! I am a professor of Communication Studies at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. I use this blog to try to promote critical thinking about mainstream media, establishment politics, and popular culture.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Time For Tony For Governor?
I've been running the Babblemur/ABV Army Times Instant Runoff Voting Poll on the site for quite a while now. Yeah, yeah, everyone knows online polls are bogus. But do you think I should enter the governor's race?

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Hi Tony,
If you run for governor, and win. I want to be your chief of staff. Wouldn't that be the ultimate odd couple.
Why would you want to run for Governor? Doyle is the only thing keeping these Republicans from turning this state into a theocracy and if you run you will just spoil the election and hand the state over to the Repubicans just like you spoiled greg Hintz last year.
Chief of STAFF? odd COUPLE?!
(do I hear "sodomite"?)
GREG Hintz????
Oh Tony-est of Tonys, I just don't think I can assimilate this. But wait, I can abandon my own blog to lurk and troll on yours...
Well what do you know, I just received a "Dear Supporter" electronic "Season's Greetings" from Barbara Lawton. See, I knew that she'd really rather run with me on the ticket:
Dear Supporter,
In this holiday season, I am thankful for the blessings of a healthy family and thoughtful friends like you. My heart is with the men and women serving our country far from home, with their families, and with those families whose lives were uprooted by Hurricane Katrina.
May your holiday season be the happiest ever. And may every day of the new year bring you joy and opportunity.
Barbara Lawton
Your Lieutenant Governor
Run, Tony! Run!
Palmeri combines the worst of Nader (egomaniac) and the worst of Bloechl (demagog). He'll probably run just to ruin it for Doyle.
I think you should do it! No one can criticize both Doyle AND the Republicans like you can, Tony. "Anonymous" fears your candidacy because they know that Doyle is weak and Green & Walker are social fascists.
In response to Jody:
It took me most of the day to figure out that ROTFLMAO means "Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off."
I fear SSEWBA. Do you? --TP
As your neighbor and supporter, I have to add my two cents worth to this. When you ran against Underheim in the last election, the main thing you accomplished was to have the opposition co-opt some of your ideas. While hardly a win, you did get the Republican's attention! I say, go after Underheim again. Name recognition on the ballot is everything, and if you gain a few votes every time, either Underheim will eventually be beaten, or else his position will be so much like yours it won't matter who won.
REHI Tony-boy,
Jeez, what a rotten time to get behind in my blogging duties. Now it looks like it took me all week to figure out that SSEWBA means "someday soon everything will be acronyms".
No, I guess I don't really fear that. But I do fear the recurring images I have of you sitting NIFOC.
FWIW, I am happy that I got you to say "ass" on your own blog though. Think of it as as Stew Bait. Fun to get the old school marm's undies in a bind. You can just see what kind of kid he was -
"Ma! Tony said 'ass', he said 'ass'! Now you gotta wash his mouth out with soap. C'mon Ma, you gotta."
OTOH you may feel a need to watch your gubernatorial image.
And, I have to admit YKYBOTLW when writing lame comments like this gives you a WG, so TIA for putting up with my idiocy.
Hope you're having a nice time in the Homeland and SYL.
Yes, run, Tony! Run! Doyle has so betrayed progressive values, it would be a shame if the left gave him a free pass. "Voting for the lesser of 2 evils" is a classic example of the concept of diminishing returns and it won't change until more Greens get over the fear of "spoiling" the election for Dems.
The Dem Party used to stand for something; now they're just another pawn of the corporations. Since they can no longer represent anyone who isn't making big contributions to their campaigns, they need to get the hell out of the way and let those who haven't lost sight of their progressive values lead!
A Wisconsin Green
Tony, as much as I (along with others) would like to see you run, ultimately it is your decision.
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