Saturday, September 02, 2006

Falk Ends Wink And Nod Campaign

Everyone knows that Kathleen Falk would not be challenging Peg Lautenschlager for Attorney General were it not for the fact that the latter was caught drunk driving. So in an "it's about time" kind of way, it was a relief to see the Falk camp finally come out with an ad that places the drunk driving arrest squarely on the table. Oh, the ad is truly awful, and I don't think it will do anything other than solidify the reputation Falk has developed as a shameless opportunist, but at least the disgusting "wink and nod" campaign (i.e. every time Falks says "we have a gang problem" or some other Dem spin doctor nonsense it really means "Peg got caught driving drunk") of the last six months has now officially come to a close.

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