Monday, May 22, 2006

Journal Sentinel, Newsweek on Voting Machines, IS Meeting

Winnebago County figures prominently in a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story about security issues rasied by Diebold electronic voting machines.

Steven Levy asks "Will your vote count in 2006?" in the May 29th issue of Newsweek. Levy is discussing paperless electronic machines, though the paper problems with the Diebold model being considered by Winnebago County are summarized here by Jef Hall.

Meanwhile the County's Information Systems Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 24th at 6:30 p.m. in Room 500 (Setup Room) of the County Courthouse. On the agenda as a discussion item is the touch screen voting machine issue.


  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I think people on councils and boards like the easy answer. The expert/salesman/comsultant comes in positively oozing ingratiating mannerisms and gives their pitch and the council can feel like they're important decision-makers solving a problem and go home ASAP.
    Nice and tidy.
    People who question things hold up the process, force council members to do MORE work, MORE talking and MORE listening. If sittiing through a council metting had ever made you want to bang your head on the floor, imagine what it feels like for them, even being on the "important" side of the desk isn't going to cut the pain after awhile.
    Most council members like it fast and dirty.

    (Frank said "ass" in public which opens the door for other blog participants to use blatantly non-professional imagery like I just did. So just remember, Frank started it.)

  2. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Wow. I have the typing skills of Hitler.

    You have to be a long-time T2T participant to remember that reference....

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Give it a rest
