Sunday, May 21, 2006

Gonzales Declares War On Journalists

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales kept open the possibility of prosecuting reporters for publishing classified information. This is actually old news. Back in March, the Washington Post reported that the Administration was trotting out language from the Espionage Act of 1917 to justify going after reporters. Former CNN Crossfire co-host Bill Press called it correctly at that time:

Isn't it ironic? Bush resurrects a 1917 law to go after journalists. Yet he said he couldn't obey a 1978 law requiring a court order before tapping our phones because it was "an old law."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, don't you just love that they call the FISA law an "old law"? They know as well as we do that the Patriot Act upgraded the FISA law to include new technology. Then again, maybe they don't since nobody actually ever read the Patriot Act before it was signed into law. I'm half confused Bush hasn't attempted to repeal the Constitutional Ammendment setting Presidential term limits at 2.
