Monday, February 06, 2006

Wonder and Nausea at the Twittering Idiots

I don't think any working writer today launches invective quite like James Howard Kunstler. Here's what he has to say in his latest blog about Dubya's State of the Union and the Dem Response: (Note: Kunstler is a registered Democrat in New York).

The key to the stupidity evinced by Mr. Bush's speech is the assumption that we ought to keep living the way we do in America, that we can keep running the interstate highway system, WalMart, and Walt Disney World on some other basis besides fossil fuels. The public probably wishes that this were so, but it isn't a service to pander to their wishes instead of addressing the mandates of reality. And reality is telling us something very different. Reality is saying that the life of incessant motoring is a suicidal fiasco, and if we don't learn to inhabit the terrain of North America differently, a lot of us are going die, either in war, or by starvation when oil-and-gas-based farming craps out, or in civil violence proceeding from failed economic expectations . . .

Meanwhile, the official Democratic Party response to Mr. Bush's fucking nonsense was the stupendous fatuousness of newly-elected Virginia Governor Tim Kaine's rebuttal, a saccharine gruel of platitudes and panderings that made me want to shoot members of my own party on sight.

History will look back in wonder and nausea at the twitterings of these idiots as the world they pretended to run lurched into darkness.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The Sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!

    Jack Straw

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Jack Straw is seen by many as a pro-war, name calling individual with an overly authoritarian style. Raeding quotes of his easily leads one to assume the man is not especially prone to listening.
    Are those the qualities that inspired you to adopt that name? (so much bolder and more manly than plain old "anonymous")

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM


    This is what inspired me to adopt that name:

    "We can share the women, we can share the wine
    We can share what we got of yours, 'cause we done shared all of mine
    Keep on rolling, just a mile to go
    Keep on rolling, my old buddy, you're moving much too slow"

    Let me know if you need further clarification!

    Jack Straw
