Yesterday I received via campus mail a memo from UW Oshkosh Provost Lane Earns regarding "Political Candidacy." It was copied to College of Letters and Science Dean Michael Zimmerman and Department of Communication Chair Kay Neal and included hard copies of UW policies as attachments. Here's what it says:
In the February 1, 2006 edition of the Advanced (sic) Titan, you mentioned that you are considering running as a candidate for State Assembly in the 54th district. As you contemplate your decision, I remind you that in these times of intense scrutiny of university practices, we need to follow closely University and Board of Regents policies. I draw your attention to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, page 170, GEN 3.B.13. "Leaves of Absence." This policy directs us to the Board of Regents policy 89-8 "Leave of Absence Policy and Policy for Unclassified Employees Seeking or Accepting Political Office or Appointments." Both of these policies have been attached to this memorandum.
In this Board of Regents Policy, you will note under section II, parts 3 and 4:
3. "If a staff member chooses to enter a primary campaign, he or she, in consultation with the appropriate department chairman and dean, or director, should determine whether or not this activity will impair or encroach on performance of university duties. If it is determined that the activity will have an adverse effect, a reduced-time appointment should be arranged for the period of the primary campaign.
4. "If a staff member is a candidate in a regular election, step 2 should be followed with the expectation that a reduced-time appointment would be in order.
I imagine that point four would be of particular importance to you. In order to be in compliance with the University Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook and the Board of Regents policy, you will need to meet with your department chair, Dr. Kay Neal, and establish a reduced-time appointment why you are campaigning for political office.
I have no problem at all with the Provost or any university official sending me copies of UW policies. However, I did just email Dr. Earns to ask if Gordon Hintz was sent a similar memo and I also requested a copy. The UW policies do not single out full-time faculty, and Gordon has been teaching part-time in the Department of Political Science for the last two semesters. On his website he says, "I have spent the past two years talking to people in the 54th District about the issues that directly affect them . . . " I have no problem at all with Gordon Hintz being an active candidate for the 54th District while he is employed by UW Oshkosh. I just want to make sure that we are all playing by the same set of rules. --Tony
Geez, can't anyone get the name right? Advance! Advance!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I certainly hope they are not singling you out, as Hintz has clearly indicated that he is definitely running whereas you... haven't.
The other one was probably just one of those envelopes addressed "To the Parents Of".