Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Watertown--Not So Fast

I just received an email from an activist in Watertown who has been working to get the troop withdrawal referendum on the ballot. He says:

Unfortunately, Adam Tobias' article in yesterday's Daily Times, made me cringe when I read it in the paper last night. It jumps to the conclusion that the question will now appear on our April ballot. That, I'm afraid, may not be the case.

Our common council, heavily influenced by alderman and former mayor, Pastor Fred Smith, goes into closed session at 5pm today to consider its options. One action is to appeal the ruling, which could presumably stonewall it past the deadline for getting it on the ballot. Failing that, the council could (if Smith is as rabidly intent as he appears to keep this out of our voters' hands), perversely vote to adopt the resolution.

Today's Wisconsin State Journal has better coverage of the Watertown situation.

I guess the moral of this story is to never doubt the power of anti-democratic scumbags on city councils.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The WSJ article had an error in the lead. It was a Waukesha County Judge not a Jefferson County.
