Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Watertown Mayor: Likely will not appeal judge's order

Watertown's Mayor says the city likely will not appeal Judge Snyder's order to place the troop withdrawal referendum before voters in April. The council will meet at 5 p.m. to make a decision.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Oh, Fred will just take a few months of creative thought to come up with ways to feed it back to the activists. Like "sorry kids, we WERE going to do critical maintenance on the pool but now we can't afford it because of the troop withdrawal referendum, you'll just have to spash around in the run-off from the goose rendering plant". I expect over time the hidden costs of this victory will surface.

    However, it is good that there has been a ruling that does not undermine 9.20 further. Not like the Loop-hole Fest we had here in C.F.
    I wonder if people will start calling him an "activist judge" now.
