Thursday, May 07, 2009

Eye on the Bailout

ProPublica has an outstanding archive of federal government bailout expenditures. It's quite shocking. (Though "obscene" might be a more accurate descriptor.).

Meanwhile, Wisconsin's in bad need of a bailout.


  1. link I saw only one Wisconsin bank which is good news. My savings have always been in local institutions.

    If more people did that it would starve out the miscreants.

  2. I love ProPublica.
    It's a great news site.

    Check out FLYP sometime. Different than ProPublica but a great read.

    Like this one too, but only so much time in a day.....

  3. I am curious when Democrats will no longer be considered as "liberal" aka progressive. Most self described progressives I meet are quite status quo. I like Chris Hedges description. I do admit in being caught up with the Obama brand during the election . If this gets posted, its because i censored my voice and did not swear. In modern day progressive circles, one cannot speak as a blue collar guy. Bunch a f&*^%ing P(*&^ies.

  4. WTMAL,

    Don't you think the image of the swearing blue-collar worker is just a stereotype? I don't see much of a difference in language usage these days between blue and white collar. (In fact the people I know who swear the most are college professors.).

    If you don't see it my way, _____ you. :-)

  5. ----you, now that I can understand. lol
