Thursday, April 16, 2009

Palmeri on Week in Review Tomorrow

I will be the Left Guy opposite former Lt. Gov. Margaret Farrow on the Right during tomorrow's WPR Week in Review with Joy Cardin. Farrow is now Chair of the Wisconsin Eye Broadcast Network. The program airs from 8-9 a.m. You can call in at 1-800-642-1234 or email

I'm not sure if it will come up during the discussion, but President Obama this week announced some slight changes in US policy toward Cuba. I think he ought to listen to Republican Senator Dick Lugar, who make a hell of a lot of sense on the topic.


  1. Would like to listen, but ya gotta donate in order to download. i would rather not donate, when most of their stuff is benign mainstream rehash.

  2. Tip of the Day for Working to make a living and others:

    The freeware program called Audiograbber will capture the archives from WPR or anywhere else.

    With the program installed, open the Line-In function, fire up the broadcast and punch record. The file will be saved in audiograbber
    directory or other that you designate.

    I bought this program years ago when it was for sale. Now, Jackie Franck has released it for anyone to use with all it's features.

    Wisconsin Public Radio should be free with no strings attached to recruit more donations than they already get for the tripe they and NPR have on most of the time.

  3. thanks for the tip on audiograbber. Heres a tip on some good media. I almost shit my pants the other day, when I was watching the idiot box and happened to tune into Titan TV. I saw "free speech tv". I thought holy crap, this is great. so i would like to give a shout to titan TV on channel 66, good job!
