Saturday, January 31, 2009

Deer Culling Update

From City Manager Mark Rohloff's Weekly Newsletter:

"Chief Greuel and I discussed the process that resulted in the deer culling taking place. We believe that should an issue like this come up in the future, it may be beneficial for the city to organize a citizen-based group to provide some guidance and direction with respect to reaching community consensus on what can be done. The issue has certainly heightened the interest of various members of the public, and we may want to insure that we engage the public as much as possible (emphasis added) for their input on issues that can become emotional and divisive."

Three deer were disposed of last night amid protests. Several citizens have called me to say that they have been told by other city officials that the council wanted to tranquilize and move the deer, but the DNR won't allow it. What I have said in response is this: (1) That the DNR will not allow the deer to be moved may be true, but we only have second hand knowledge of that. No DNR official or wildlife biologist was ever asked to speak to the Common Council about this matter before any vote was taken; (2) If the Council did in fact want to move the deer, there was (and is) nothing preventing us from delaying the cull for at least another year to discover a way to do it; (3) other nonlethal options espoused by the Humane Society of the United States and others needed at least one (and probably two or three) more planting seasons before we could say with confidence that deer removal or culling is necessary.

The contract with the sharpshooters allows for up to 40 deer to be killed. Given the public reaction over the last month--culminating with last night's protest--does it really make sense to continue at this point?


  1. As a citzen of Oshkosh, I would like to see written proof of council member's communications with DNR officials in regards to this issue. I do not want to read or hear about a council member's conversation with said DNR or Armory officials, for word of mouth is not proof of anything to me. If they have something official to convey in this matter, it had better be in writing! In regards to the Armory and them granting permission, I would think our federally elected officials would be rather concerned about city encroachment onto state or federal property. In addition, I would like to see official documentation in regards to damage to property, official citizen complaints, and any survey data taken that has caused this whole issue to come forth. Also, written documentation in regards to solutions.

    In perspective, as an avid gardener for well over ten years, I know that there are many non-lethal methods to prevent deer damage. Also, if one were to poll other gardeners of wildlife damage, I am sure they would all agree that RABBITS are the worst problem throughout the city. Given that the deer seem to be inflicting so much damage, and that rabbits do more damage (not only to landscape, but also to our domestic animals - fleas, and worms in their feces which are ingested), I would now like our elected city officals to address and apply for grant money to hire the same "sharpshooters" to post themselves throughout the city to rid us of the rabbit population. They could be posted in all our parks and on residential property on a voluntary basis, (sign me up!).

  2. Hi Tony I left my comments in the paper and an e-mail to you guys regarding the deer issue. I feel that there are more pressing issues with you guys with budgets etc and probably the flooding that we might have coming up; however this issue has piqued a lot of interest. The main objections I see are transparency and the possibility of arrogance on the part of the Council. You know more than I that most of the arguments for the culling at stemming from some of the claims made by various people that are unsubstantiated and not documented. You of all people will recognize the importance of documenting this type of thing. I'm sure the council probably investigated this but without adequate documentation very few will believe and take it for granted. I think the next meeting should be a little hot. I wanted to thank you for your support.
