Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Yes, I Am Running Again

If the voters bring me back, I would be honored to serve another term on the Oshkosh Common Council. If there are enough candidates, a primary will be held on February 17, 2009. The general election will be held on April 7th (which also happens to by my older brother Frank's 50th birthday).

Two years ago the message of the Palmeri for Oshkosh campaign was this: "City government at all levels must be held to higher standards of performance and accountability." I would argue that we have made some progress in that direction, but there's a long, long way to go.

If you are a supporter and interested in helping the campaign, please email me at tony@tonypalmeri.com or give me a call at 920-235-1116.

As was the case two years ago, I will neither raise nor spend more than $1,000. As a result, and especially if big money candidates get in the race, the only way to win another term will be with grassroots support.


  1. Sign me up, Tony! Let me know what I can do to help. (I just love a politician that doesn't ask for money...)

    You're doing a great job on the Council, and you will make even more of a difference during your second term.

  2. Seconded.

    What Tony has done over and above providing a progressive voice for Oshkosh, he has given detailed information of Council activities-- something that cities like Appleton could easily do if they had the same level of interest in their constituents.
    It would end a lot of the mystery that goes on at Council meetings.

    While I'm aware of meetings records being posted and whatnot-- such documents are dry and boring and are posted out of any meaningful context:


    If people know more about the actions taken there would be a significant increase of interest and participation.

    Tools like the blogs make this possible. And yet you only hear from city aldermen at election time-- if then.
