Monday, September 22, 2008

Waterfront: Community Input and New RFP Needed

On Tuesday, during Council Member Statements, Announcements, and Discussion, I will call for community input regarding waterfront development and call for staff to prepare a new request for proposals. My preference is not to have an item like this in council member statements, but the rapid pace of events in the last week provides few alternative options.

As I understand matters, here is where we are: The Akcess group has backed out of the waterfront project and endorsed Oshkosh River Development (ORD) to take over. The Redevelopment Authority (RDA) met last Wednesday to approve the transfer from Akcess to ORD, but instead laid over the matter when councilor Esslinger claimed that another developer was interested in putting forth a proposal. Apparently that developer will make him or herself known on Tuesday.

As I've noted previously, the Akcess withdrawal provides us with an opportunity to slow down and try to get a sense of what the taxpaying public actually wants on the riverfront. Rather than move straight to another office building proposal, let's take some time (via survey, focus groups, online polls, etc.) to find out what are the most favored options for development. After receiving that feedback, let's then have staff construct a new request for proposals.

Please email all of the members of the Council to let us know what you think should be done at this point.


  1. One thing I'd like to know is why Jackson Kinney kept this information under wraps when Akcess made their intentions known that they were backing out of the deal.

    I would like to see that addressed at the next council meeting.

  2. It does appear that certain members of the council or the community were privy to the intentions of Akcess.
    I may have missed it but,I did not hear anyone ask Mr. Kinney when he was advised Akcess was going to "transfer" the land to another group.
    Sounds a bit like WHY the former city Manager was fired.
    When did Mr Kinney know what and when?
    When did anyone realize the Akcess contract with the city was transferable?
