Saturday, September 13, 2008

Plan C?

I've not been blogging much lately because my home computer is being moody.

The computer is up now and I guess I just have to say something about the latest news about riverfront development. No one should be surprised that Akcess is pulling out; any plan that would have required taxpayers to purchase the Chamber of Commerce building just to get off the ground did not have much of a chance to succeed.

What is surprising is the proposal from the Dumke Management Group to take over from Akcess. They are proposing not just one, but two office buildings for the area in addition to a restaurant and apartments or condos. I guess this is Plan C.

Early in his tenure, new city manager Mark Rohloff told the Oshkosh Northwestern that economic development "starts with getting to know what the community really wants." I intend to hold him to that premise, and will require some substantive proof that the community "really wants" office space in the riverfront development area before signing on to support it.

1 comment:

  1. Bill Moyers summed up nicely what the goal of public service is. He was talking about journalism but it applies to governing bodies as well. He said (paraphrasing from a recent speech he gave) that 'in the public interest is not the same thing as what the public is interested in.'

    I'm not in Oshkosh. I'm not in Menasha either. But I've seen what throwing up a lot of condos and office buildings has done there: it provides a nice view for the few but from the river's viewpoint looks like a fortification and wall for anyone else.

    Does Mr. Rohloff have a lot of connections to the developers?

    The commons of the riverfront should be available to all. That is in the public interest.
