Thursday, June 19, 2008

So Much For "Family Time"

In March, Republican Carol Roessler issued an "Open Letter to the Residents of the 18th Senate District" announcing her plans to retire from the state senate. In it she said: "It is time for me to focus on time with my husband, Paul, and our family."

Yesterday we found out that Jim "The New Democrat" Doyle will bring Roessler into his administration on July 7th as administrator of the Department of Revenue's Division of State and Local Finance. The job pays $95,000 per year, effectively doubling Carol's senate salary of $47, 413. According to the Journal Sentinel, "If Roessler holds the job for a few years, it will boost her state pension, which is partly determined by the person’s final annual salaries." Not a bad deal.

Assuming she has to work full-time for the 95 grand, Carol will probably have much less family time than was the case in the senate. Few state workers have as much family time as members of the Wisconsin state legislature. State lawmakers convened no more than 3 to 4 weeks last year, giving them plenty of quality time with spouses, kids, friends, pets, and (especially) lobbyists.


  1. This appointment really adds to the urgency that we need to start focusing our media's attention on the way our state government operates. Where is the scrutiny for that level? A democratic governor giving what in title (we have no idea what state government is up to,)seems like an important linch pin between grass roots and the powers that be, to a republican. Sounds like the lower middle to middle class needs to start clinching it cheeks together pronto. Talk about horse hockey. "New Democrat" is right. We need to kick that guy out!

  2. ...and the position of administrator of the Department of Revenue's Division of State and Local Finance is a stepping stone to consultant or lobbyist several years after she retires from the DOR.

    And they usually make more money than the politicians.
    Gotta think Doyle's moving some chess pieces around in a power broker style move. Looking for a favor from the Rep. side?

    Meanwhile, the senate seat remains open and un-manned. That's OUR 18th District Senate seat. We are not being represented.
