Thursday, May 15, 2008

Palmeri, Robinson on Friday "Week in Review"

Friday Update: Owen says there's no need to place "right" in quotes for him. I should probably use "left" without quotes but every now and then I get an email like this one that appeared earlier in the week: "I thought you might like to know that my intelligent (but pretty Republican) mom caught the council meeting (which she has never watched before) and here's what she said on the answering machine: 'Hi Honey, I saw your friend Tony Palmeri on Tv last night . . . and I mostly agreed with what he had to say.'"

I'll be the "left" guy opposite Owen Robinson of Boots and Sabers on the "right" on Friday's WPR Week in Review with Joy Cardin from 8-9 a.m.

You can join the conversation by using the toll-free call-in number 1-800-642-1234. You can also e-mail comments/questions to

I'm sure one topic that will come up is John Boy's endorsement of Obama. Not sure why it took him so long to endorse, as it has been clear since last year that there was no way he could endorse Hillary.

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