Thursday, March 20, 2008

Council Pay Raise and Deer Workshop

Next Tuesday the Common Council has on its agenda the first reading of an ordinance that would provide a pay raise for the Mayor and Council. The Mayor's compensation would double (from $3,000 to $6,000 per year), while Councilors would see an increase from the current $2,400 to $3,750. As noted in the Northwestern, the pay increases would not take effect until April of 2009 so that everyone voting on it would have to face re-election before the increases go into effect.

Around budget time last year, I thought there was a good chance that I would support a compensation increase for the Mayor and Council, largely because there has not been an increase in a very long time. Add to that the fact that legislators in Madison make almost $50,000 per year (not including travel reimbursement and per diems when in Madison) while meeting in open session less than 20 times in 2007, and the case for a local government compensation increase is pretty reasonable. Unless we decide to fix the current rates for eternity, someone has to vote for a raise.

But now I have very mixed feelings, largely because of the costs associated with Mr. Wollangk's retirement along with the continuing costs for the city manager search and future compensation for that position. With all of the money we have spent on retirement payouts, legal fees, advertisements, the PAR Group, and other items related to the City Manager position, I'm not sure we can justify asking for more Council compensation. We spent (and are continuing to spend) all of that money on the Executive branch and yet a majority of the councilors would not even allow citizens the opportunity to have a referendum question on a ballot so that they could say yes or no to the Council/Manager form of government. Perhaps voting on a compensation increase should wait until the Council shows that it can hire a City Manager able to restore confidence in City Hall.

But my mind is still open on this topic. What are your thoughts? Should the Council vote for a pay increase? You can post your thoughts here, email me a or call me at 235-1116.

We're also going to have a workshop in the urban deer issue at the Tuesday meeting. All citizens will be allowed to participate, so if you've got some thoughts on the topic please do attend.

Rumor has it that an Oshkosh deer had a starring role in the Queens of the Stone Age "No One Knows" video.


  1. Double seems a bit excessive, making up for years past or not.

    Nobody is going to like that. I recommend some kind of phase-in that will, over a number of years, bring the pay up to whatever we think it should be.

  2. Yeah, or maybe I'm wrong. I'm not known for my predictive skills. Though I'm not sure the Northwestern forums are either.

  3. I was shocked to see in today's NORTHWESTERN what a small amount the councilors and mayor earn! Even if a council member devotes 10 hours per week (which I think is less than a realistic estimate) to city matters, that works out to a whopping 5 bucks an hour! No wonder there's no opposing candidates coming up for the next election! We're talking council meetings, workshops, phonecalls from citizens, paperwork and attending other city meetings. I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface of responsibilities.

    This expense for the citizenry is an entirely different entity from Mr. Wollangk's retirement package and the other expenses listed. Without some incentive, good councilors and Mayor Tower won't be encouraged to stay and no one will ever vie for Dennis McHugh's position.

    This raise should be a priority.

  4. I agree to some extent with archivisat... does the mayor really spend almost twice as much time on council business as the other councilors? I doubt it, I think the councilor pay is fair. As you yourself put it Tony, unless you are going to keep that pay forever, someone has to vote to increase it. Since it doesn't take effect until 2009, that will be a year to 18 months after the money spent on the manager search. The longer you don't vote, the more some council will have to vote for raises. I know, no one in their right mind would run based on the pay but, I know "serving" the public can cost money whether it be in vacation time taken for daytime meetings, gas, wear and tear on your car for attending conferences, any many other expenses you wouldn't incur were you not serving the public. I don't think the $1,350 yearly increase for councilors is excessive. Maybe the mayor should also get a 56% increase (additional $1,680/yr) rather than doubling the salary of that position (unless that position requires double the time of a councilor).

  5. I forgot to mention the deer...I hope you'll favor a non-lethal solution, Tony. I know it must be annoying to those living in the area, but can't the deer be transported to another area where there's sufficient food and natural surroundings? I do like the video - the deer laughing at OUR heads mounted on the wall...a type of Planet of the Apes wake-up call.
