Friday, October 26, 2007

A Tommy Walker Midterm

I teach a class called "Foundations of Speech Communication," which essentially covers the theories of rhetoric outlined by the major philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome (especially Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintillian). A huge percentage of the grade involves students having to write speech manuscripts that are informed by the rhetorical theories of the thinkers mentioned above.

Below are two video clips: Former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson endorsing Rdy Giuliani and writer Alice Walker (The Color Purple) endorsing Barack Obama. The midterm exam this semester required the students to watch the videos and then (1) explain the rhetorical features of each and (2) make an argument as to which video would be more persuasive with genuinely undecided voters.

Which one do you think is more persuasive?

1 comment:

  1. For a truly undecided, truly non-partisan, Obama's endorsement was more persuasive. A few more rhetorical statements were made.
