Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Do The Freddie

In the rock music class, students got a big kick (pardon what you'll see as the obvious pun) out of Freddie and the Dreamers, a mid-1960s British Invasion band known for the leggy antics of 5'3" lead singer Freddie Garrity. Early Freddie did seem quite a bit like Babblemur:

Freddie was still kickin', bless his heart, in 1999 (one year before his death)[Oct. 21 update: Many thanks to a reader who alerted me to the fact that Freddie actually passed away in 2006!]:


  1. That is really funny! I would break my legs if I tried to do that crazy dance.

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I think he meant the laugh Ron. Or maybe that happy positivity that makes you endearing to the Throng, but makes little laser beams shoot out of my own eyes. Or maybe the too short pants. Or that you perhaps wanted to "do" Freddy Mercury at some point in your past.
    It's hard to say for sure what he may have meant but there ARE options here,and he DOES know you better than I do, and he IS an elected official and we know those people are never wrong.

    But it's true about you and Freddy Mercury isn't it?

  3. No, Jody, I'm not into mustachios.

  4. Anonymous11:41 PM

    but you just broke the hearts of several ethnic groups' womenfolk. Guess you're not as COMPLETELY nice as people think you are huh. Still pretty darn annoying though, so don't feel too bad about it.
