Wednesday, May 16, 2007

At Least Lute's Not a "Peace Czar"

If he receives Senate confirmation, Lt. General Douglas E. Lute will become the nation's first "War Czar." Apparently Czar Lute is quite the opposite of the Commander in Chief; Mr. Bush says that Lute "understands war and government and knows how to get things done."

Czar Lute is quite the student of history. According to the Washington Post, he cites Thucydides as his "favorite military scholar for helping him to understand the connection between civil society and armed forces." There's a famous Thucydides quote that pretty much sums up what's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan today: "The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

At least Lute's being called a "War Czar." In this age of Orwellian Newspeak, we should have expected that he would be called the "Peace Czar." The Department of Defense was once the War Department, so perhaps it's only a matter of time before the War Czar becomes the Peace Czar. My guess is that the name shift will happen right after Czar Lute presides over an operation that burns down a village in order to save it.

Finally, I'm sure peace rocker Sting won't be a fan of Czar Lute, but he does play the lute:

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