Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Road Ahead

First of all, many thanks to Kent Monte for running for City Council. I don't always agree with Kent on the issues, but admire the way he is able to balance the responsibilities of work and family with civic involvement. See Stephanie Barnard's profile of Kent and Michelle here.

As all readers of this blog already know, I finished second last night in the Common Council primary. A big THANK YOU to the voters and to my campaign volunteers. Here's Babblemur's coverage.

I'm under no illusions about the difficult road ahead to April 3rd. The field of candidates is strong, and I'm sure there will be lots of interest groups on all sides of the political spectrum trying to influence the outcome.

And as reported in yesterday's Northwestern, some candidates apparently intend to spend relatively huge sums of money for a local government seat.

I believe that word of mouth is still the best advertising, and it doesn't cost a dime. So over the next few weeks I will getting the word out about the campaign in as many face-to-face encounters as possible. If you support my campaign, please tell your friends and neighbors about it. Tell them that I stand for open and accountable government, quality public services delivered efficiently, and strong neighborhoods. Tell them to call me at 235-1116 for more information, or email me at

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tony. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with...

