Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Rock Concert Movement Instructions For Barack Obama

Listening to the corporate press these days, it appears as if Barack Obama can be swept into the presidency on the basis of being a blue state rock star selling "hope." Fightin' Bob LaFollette, who literally worked himself to death trying to sink machine politicians and the private wealth that kept them afloat, apparently didn't realize that a real progressive tries to make friends with that wealth. A Robert LaFollette, Inc. machine could have been a rock star before anyone even knew what rock and roll was! He could have been bigger than Barack Obama, Inc.

Who knows, maybe someday Barack will translate the rhetoric of hope into some real policy prescriptions for justice in America. We'll know he's there when the corporate press turns against him. But until then, he probably needs to perfect his rock star movements. The Blue Man Group, who ought to be the official band for blue state politicians, offer some instructions:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    You've been watching WPTV lately, haven't you?

    I almost made the $250 donation to see the BMG in Green Bay but then I realized I don't have $250. I'll have to stick with youtube videos.
