Donna Lohry and Claud Thompson are two of the most effective members of the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors. Both are retired seniors who dedicate almost full-time effort to the part-time board. Both bring a wealth of real world experience to the board. Both are outspoken advocates for good government. Both will look you right in the eye and give you a straight answer to a question.
Lohry's and Thompson's effectiveness does not mean that they deserve to run unopposed at election time. Unfortunately, they will face each other in the next election if the full board approves a proposed redistricting map. The redrawn map is the result of the Board moving from 38 to 36 supervisors to ward off an interest group movement to place a referendum on the April ballot to reduce the size to 19. All of this is the result of awful legislation that creates confusion and court battles almost by design.
So if the proposed redistricting plan passes, it means county residents will lose at least one effective voice in government (Lohry or Thompson) for no good reason. If citizens in Lohry's or Thompson's district(s) want to go against them at election time that is great and should be encouraged, but I challenge any board size reduction advocate to show us how Donna or Claud represent "dead weight" deserving of removal from the board sheerly due to downsizing.
Thompson has been a staunch advocate of a smaller board. Donna has been against CUT from the start. Hmmm, I wonder if ....