Click here for a sample of the garbage "All Children Matter" are sending in State Representative John Lehman's district. Citizens in the district have filed a complaint alleging the flier is in violation of Wisconsin law. The formal complaint can be found here.
People for the American Way have put together a profile of ACM. That profile can be found here. They have also profiled founder Dick DeVos.
I hope the Oshkosh Northwestern does some investigating to see what ties, if any, exist between the Leschke for Assembly campaign and ACM. They should also investigate ties between Democrat Hintz and whatever interest groups are operating on his behalf.
I am not familiar with this candidate or situation, but this looks exactly like the behavior of a soft-money group that is repeatedly advocating in my part of the state.
ReplyDeleteThis group does not declare (anywhere that I have seen yet) the source of it's money, information or affiliations. It makes anti-Ron Brown/pro-Kathleen Vinehout remarks. Among others, but I am most aware of that race at present.
As an individual watching this I have not known how to respond other than to keep track and perhaps write this up in an upcoming issue of The Progressive Outpost. As far as I know no one else but me cares about this over here. That drives my blog stats way up but nothing changes.
I beleive many folks feel that, as a "leftist" and if I want republicans defeated, I am not to question this behavior but to support it. The ends justifying the means. However, I do not support it in the least way.
In fact, I beleive you had made a statement that Democrats are MORE observant of campaign finance laws and more respectful of gray areas. I do not agree, in fact at this point I feel the opposite - though I am clearly in no position to understand the workings of the Republican party. Everything I see indicates that Dems are MORE reliant on soft money groups.This is done in order to counter-act the Republicans' superior ablity to raise hard cash (and frame issues).
So, in effect I beleive the Democrats work harder and with more enthusiasm to get around the McCain-Feingold laws.
I may have read this post/links too quickly but at this point it seems exactly the same behavior. If I have drawn wrong conclusions I'll come back and amend. But I think this problem is huge and the extent of the influence of these "support groups" is nearly impossible to judge.
It truyly seems that attempts at campaign reform seem to be resulting in some people acting worse, instead of better. People, epsecially people active in theri parties, need to stop condoning this kind of back-door endorsement. Even if it means criticising your own party, which is generally treated as worse than fornicating next to the fountain at the mall on a Saturday afternoon. So to speak.
Also - the way these groups frame issues to influence the public's perception of what it THINKS it cares about is another obscenity. Another aspect to pay attention to.
This concludes my intrusion. Thanks for lending me your ears. You can have them back now.
p.s. I don't beleive it will be very feasible for the Osh NW to track these connections and that they are by nature just too covert.