Thursday, September 14, 2006

Friday "Week in Review" + Radio Commentary

I'll be on Friday's Wisconsin Public Radio "Week in Review" with host Joy Cardin and other guest Dave Blaska, former member of the Dane County Board of Supervisors from 8 - 9 a.m.

Then on Friday evening from 6:15 - 7:00 p.m., "Radio Commentary" returns to WRST 90.3 FM radio in Oshkosh. I will be interviewing soon-to-be former District 54 State Representative Gregg Underheim of Oshkosh. I ran against Gregg twice: in 1996 as a Democrat and in 2004 on the Green ticket. Web streaming is available on the radio station site.


  1. Tony,

    Is this a call in show?

  2. Yes, the numbers are (920)424-3113 or 424-0444.

  3. Oh rats, I may not be able to listen or call in due to another engagement.

    I would really like for him to talk about why he voted against the Amendment to ban civil unions this year. When he spoke on campus last spring he gave a really well-thought talk about the issues with the role of the Constitution.

    I'd love to have him helping to defeat the amendment locally.
