Monday, September 11, 2006

Extra! Amy Goodman moderates Loose Change Debate--World Doesn't End!

Today on Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman moderated a debate between the makers of the film "Loose Change" and the editors of a Popular Mechanics book debunking 9/11 myths. It really is incredible: the film makers are able to state their views and the world doesn't end, no one turns into a frog or a pumpkin, and life goes on. Imagine that.

Below is an interview with Loose Change director Dylan Avery.


  1. Great, so does this mean you'll be moderating a "Loose Change" debate yourself after your students show it?

  2. Are you aware of any people that would agree to represent each side? I'm not even sure if Kevin Barrett himself stands by Loose Change, and my sense of the critics of the movie on this campus is not that they want to debate it, but instead they just want it to go away. So I think a debate would be a great idea that would increase the turnout for the event, I just don't know if we have debaters available.
