Friday, September 08, 2006

Castle: "put your vote where your mouth is.”

According to the Northwestern, Oshkosh Mayor Bill Castle--pretty much the only staunch defender of the garbage fee left on the Council--is going to ask his colleagues to place a referendum on the November ballot to exceed the state imposed levy freeze. He can't honestly think that the public will vote to raise taxes in the context of living with a city administration and council whose competence is seriously under question after a series of mishaps (land sale, Five Rivers, Leach bathrooms, etc. etc.). Gotta love this quote though:

“A lot of what you hear out there is we know we need these things, but we don’t want a fee, give it to us in taxes,” Castle said. “If they all vote down the garbage fee, that’s good to say, but put your vote where your mouth is.”

1 comment:

  1. I concur with Brian, I think that this city has been mismanaged long enough and we need to rethink our stratagy towards that leadership. It can't happen overnight but things can be different.

    The bottom line may come in April when it is placed in the hands of the voters. It will be time for Castle, Sheuermann, Bain and Mattox to run again. It will be curious to see just which way they will vote on these issues come Wed.

    K. Monte
