Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Images of the King

Having been to Memphis recently, I can attest that it is impossible to traverse that fine city without being subject to constant reminders of Elvis Presley. This week is "Images of the King" week in Memphis, kind of like the Elvis impersonators' equivalent of the Muslims' hajj to Mecca.

I once read a brilliant piece [by an author I cannot recall] which argued that the first Elvis impersonator was . . . Elvis. His performances in his latter years were such a pathetic parody of his former self that he was in fact an Elvis impersonator.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the video. Personally, young Elvis, old Elvis, skinny Elvis or fat Elvis, no one was a greater performer. It's really too bad that talented people someone loose themselves and their beginnings and the world loses them.

    BTW, he hated being referred to as the King.
