Jim The New Democrat Doyle has given Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce everything it wanted. Never before in the history of Wisconsin have big corporations, whether in or out of state, had as much of a friend in the guv house. Not even in the dog days of Tommy Thompson did big business call the shots like they do now.
The result? Wisconsin experienced a "stunning" drop in median household income in 2004-2005. What's funny about the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report is watching Doyle sympathizers like David Newby of the AFL-CIO and Laura Dresser of the Center on Wisconsin Strategy minimize the numbers. Had the stats been released under a McCallum or Mark Green administration they would RIGHTFULLY express outrage. These folks are so addicted to lesser evil politics and so unwilling to support a politics of conscience (i.e. endorse Nelson Eisman for governor) that they are no longer even in a position to influence the policies of the Doyle administration--he knows they are in his camp regardless of what he does so why even bother?
Meanwhile the Doyle toadies warn that Mark Green's economic plan will just send more money to business, which is true, but what the hell do they think the Doyle plan was/is? Wisconsin has a "Development Finance Board," completely endorsed by Doyle, that doles out millions to business with no public hearings or oversight. It's a first order scam that the toadies would be screaming bloody murder about if McCallum or Green presided over it.
Only one candidate in the race stands for honest budgeting to meet the needs of real Wisconsinites, and that's Nelson Eisman. Too bad the We The Pinheads, I mean "People," organization gave in to Republicrat pressure to keep him out of the debates.
ReplyDeleteLong ago on this blog I announced that I don't respond to anonymous or pseudonymous posters, but I'll make an exception in your case because you seem new to the blog and the questions are legitimate.
1. Tommy Thompson would not push for the "single sales factor" formula for big business that Doyle signed because he called it too much of a giveaway to big business. Doyle happily signed it and, according to the Madison Cap Times (I can find the cite if you need it), Doyle in an interview with the editorial board did not even seem to understand the bill.
Curt Andersen, liberal columnist who wrote for the Gannett assassinated Green Bay News Chronicle, called Doyle's "Job Creation Act" the worst piece of legislation ever passed in the history of the state. Doyle got that one through on the strength of secret meetings with lobbyists and legislators that would have made Tommy blush. Peggy L. tried to stop this nonsense with the power of the AG's office, which is probably the main reason why Doyle hates her.
I don't have time to search for it, but I do remember reading a quote from the WMC's Jim Haney somewhere in which he said that they got more from Doyle than even they thought possible.
2. If Scott McCallum or Mark Green or Nelson Eisman were governor, the "stunning" drop in median household income would be attributed by Democratic party "leaders" to the person in the governor's chair. The Wisconsin governor has the most expansive veto power in the nation, so there is nothing that Republicans did that affects income that Doyle could not have stopped.
3. The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign last year did an expose' of the Development Finance Board. They said in part:
"WDC reviewed contracts, evaluations and other documents provided by the department for 10 projects for which the state doled out nearly $28.5 million in low-interest loans, grants or tax credits. The awards went to six nationally known corporations and four Concentrated Animal Feed Operations, commonly known as corporate farms or livestock factories that have 700 animals or more." The full report on "Saving the Have Mores" can be found here:
I like Green's plan to disband the Department of Commerce, since the department does not serve the residents of Wisconsin. And if it were Nelson Eisman or another governor who actually represents the people leading the public/private board, I would support that too. The problem is that if you have a board like that run by a Mark Green or a Jim Doyle, the results will be essentially the same as what we are currently getting from the Department of Commerce.
On economic matters Doyle is not a lesser evil than Green. They are equally evil.
4. No, I don't bait Xoff, I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.