Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ed Garvey's Words and Deeds

I thought it was real nice the other day when Ed Garvey bashed the DemoPublican front group "We The People" for excluding Greens from their "debates" (i.e. Jim Doyle/Mark Green Snoozefests). He even lamented how the "Green candidate for Senate" probably won't be invited to debate Herb Kohl. (Dear Ed: Her name is Rae Vogeler).

Being that Ed is so upset at the exclusion of Greens from sham debates, you'd think he would then use his influence to get some exposure for Green candidates, right? Wrong. Neither Rae Vogeler nor Nelson Eisman (Green candidate for governor) have been invited to speak at the September Fighting Bob Fest, an event which is supposedly designed to "promote solidarity" among progressives.

Last year I argued that Ed should change the name of the event to the Gaylord Proxmire Fest, something I believe even more strongly today.


  1. I agree with you. Multiple reasons...Dems. need a kick in the butt to bring out the more progressive side of the party. Greens are a formidable force in the progressive arena and deserve more of a voice. In the words of the Capital Times founder, William T. Evjue: "Let the people have the truth, and the freedom to discuss it, and all will go well."
    Let it also be remembered that Fighting Bob was a Republican in the style of Abe Lincoln. All progressives should be welcome at "Bob Fest" regardless of their political stripe. The free flow of ideas must continue from the state that originated Workmen's Comp, Unemployment Insurance, and was the boiler room for what we now call Social Security.
    Wisconsin should be the boiler room for national health care, absolute equal rights for all, alternative energy forms, and higher education for everyone that can excell at it, no matter what their financial situation. The list goes on.
    Bring your ideas and an open mind to Fighting Bob Fest in September!

  2. Steve,
    Tammy Baldwin is speaking at this year's BobFest, and she's a candidate for Congress. If a liberal Democrat had entered the primary against Doyle, he or she would probably be speaking at BobFest. --Tony
