Saturday, July 15, 2006

Kevin Phillips on the American Petrocracy

Respected conservative writer Kevin Phillips argues that the oil motive is the "most plausible" one for explaining the Iraq fiasco, and he makes a convincing case in the July 17th cover story for the American Conservative.


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

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  2. "I am NOT a snob about anything"

    "What is Joe Six-pack right winger to do?"


  3. Seriously, you don't see how you're being a snob?

    That is a generic term widely used
    Widely used by people trying to degrade someone. I know a few other generic terms, widely used to describe a bunch of people that probably wouldn't fly here.

    blue collar workers who, possessed of some sort of delusion, vote for conservatives.
    Delusional because their opinion is different that yours?

    It is a sad truth that many people in the last two elections voted against their own interest to follow a "beer buddy" who was manipulating them for purposes that had nothing to do with their welfare.
    Yeah, because nobody could decide that Bush would have been a better president than Kerry by thinking on his own. Clearly it is the result of listening to his drunk friend after a half-case of Old Style.

    It takes neither money nor position to follow news other than organs of the right wing and to read. THINKING is still free.
    I see, so if someone disagrees with you they must not of thought it through, or they're not following the news sources you find adequate. Got it.

    This is the second time I've called you out for blatant arrogance and snobbery. I find it absolutely amazing that you can't see what you're doing, and I'm finding it humorous that in defending yourself you end up piling it on even more.

    I think the Left's biggest challenge for the next election is to get their noses out of their own asses and reach out to "Joe Six-pack" rather than scoff at him.
