Thursday, May 18, 2006

Palmeri on Friday WPR "Week in Review"

I'll be the guest "on the left" on Joy Cardin's Wisconsin Public Radio "Week in Review" tomorrow from 8-9 a.m. The guest "on the right" will be legendary Wisconsin pundit and activist Bill Kraus.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "Thompson v. Feingold in 2008. It boggles the mind, which is a lot different from it being a bad idea"

    - Bill Kraus

    Scary. Like the National Bank Account isn't overdrawn enough...

    Listen, I've been wondering, all these guys who are "pundits", well how do you get to be a pundit?

    Is there a certificate or something, because I would like one. Is the Pundit Examining Board State or Federal? How does one transistion from Annoying Attention Getter with No Credibility to Pundit? I feel I have paid my dues now and would like to ramp up my personal gravitas.

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM


    Same something nice about Peg Lautenschlager on WPR!

  3. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Jody will NEVER be the last classification you mentioned.

    I hope Jody does not gravitate toward pundit-hood. They ALL remind me of a poem I read eons ago:

    "I often how the toad
    Despite his slight attraction
    Can be so pompous and full
    Of pop-eyed satisfaction!"

  4. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Please substitute the following line for the first one in the bit of doggerel above:

    I often WONDER how the toad
