Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Xoff On Twisting The Referendum Results

Bill Christofferson does an excellent job of showing the extent to which the Bush toadies and elements of the mainstream media are attempting to twist the results of last week's troop withdrawal referenda. As noted in his blog piece, the LaCrosse Tribune has been absolutely shameful on this issue, suggesting last week that the reason the referendum passed in LaCrosse was because of the concentration of votes coming from students and nuns. Then the Tribune felt compelled to commission a poll of LaCrosse County, using the results (a whopping 51.5% said no to "cut and run") to suggest that if the entire couny had voted instead of the city of LaCrosse the referendum would have lost. What the F _ _ k are they teaching in journalism school these days?

Xoff challenges LaCrosse County to place the referendum question on the ballot in November. The same should happen in Winnebago County.

1 comment:

  1. The reaction of the pro-war faction to the referendum success in Wisconsin is so typical. When they don't like the truth they do what comes naturally to them - attack! How ridiculous to criticize the democratic process of a referendum in order to show support of a war professing to "spread democracy"!
