Friday, April 07, 2006

Dan Rylance on Radio Commentary Today

Regular guest Dan Rylance will join me on Radio Commentary tonight from 6:20 - 7:00 p.m. on WRST - FM 90.3. Dan is Radio Commentary's answer to Mark Shields, a clever pundit with a knack for shedding light on often abstruse local issues (I really do believe that, but to tell you the truth I was just looking for a way to use the word "abstruse" in a sentence.). We had Dan on before the primary and after.

Radio Commentary is a live call-in show. The direct line is (920) 424-3113.


  1. If I am not mistaken, Dan is attending the recount proceedings, some of which will be reported on Oshkosh News. It would be interesting to hear his take on things.

  2. Dear Tony :
    I hope in the coming weeks you will have some of the new people elected to the various council and boards be on your show.

    Like Donna Lohry, Wayne Traska, and others new local school boards, city council , and county board.

    Another idea would be to have someone from ADVOCAP on the program as it celebrates its 40th year this May.

  3. I am listening to the recorded version of Tony's show and have always enjoyed interviews with Dan Rylance. I am curious about something and maybe I am reading too much into the tone of his voice when discussing Dan Becker's "team."

    I have never been in an election like this much less a recount and I am studying Political Science at UWO this semester. I am at the recount for two reasons: 1. I am trying to learn everything I can about the election laws and processes; 2. I am disturbed by the number of bungles that supposedly occurred during the election. I want to know if something went wrong and not every vote was fairly counted. I would also like to know if Amy won by votes or a computer glitch. It would be nice if she deserved her seat, wouldn't it?

    Paul Esslinger was there as a taxpayer and a council member who was also disturbed by events of Tuesday night. I don't know what his assumptions are or motives, you would have to ask him.

    I chose to sit by Dan because he invited me from the cheap seats and he has always been nice to me as a "freshman politician," so to speak, unlike others currently on the board; even when we have disagreed.

    I realize Amy's team of her friend and her mom were not as "famous," but it isn't like she was all alone with her baby in the big bad board room with only the superintendent to talk to.

    I was coaching junior bowling so I couldn't call in to the show to ask what Mr. Rylance meant. I certainly don't know him well enough to make assumptions or guess what he feels about anyone or anything. I have chosen, as a candidate, to pull a "McHugh" and be there to learn everything I can about election process, good or bad, exciting or dull.

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    When dealing with technology sometimes glitches happen. Sure we want every vote to count so the recount is a good thing. But why do some people think it is so odd for the school administration to have been monitoring the situation? Weren't a lot of us doing the same thing? There would be something wrong if they didn't care. Accidents could have happened where a few votes got missed or miscounted. But to think there was some kind of conspiracy going on is too far-fetched. Nice to see Paul Esslinger could make it and didn't have a cribbage date. But what does this have to do with his being a councilmember?

  5. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I hope Cheryl Hentz doesn't report on this situation....... I want it reported accurately.

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Isn't it time for your mommy to warm up your bottle?

  7. Anonymous1:46 PM

    anonymous 10:53 --

    Ms. Hentz has been reporting and writing for many years and there are hundreds of articles to show it. I bet she's been doing it a lot longer than many of you have been at your jobs. But every one is human and every one makes mistakes. I don't know if she's made mistakes in her reporting or not but I think we can assume if she was the terrible reporter you and others like you have made her out to be she would not still be earning a living at it.

  8. If you are correct and she is a journalist that has made a mistake, why won't she own up to it and apologize. That is all that was asked for from the beginning. She has taken shots at me in the days approaching the election that caused me to delete the negative comments about her on my site. But I did notice that the negativity towards me suddenly stopped when I deleted the comments.
    Although this is hardly proof. One can assume that she orchestrated it all. All I can say is what comes around, goes around.

    In the future, I will not participate in any postings on the Eye on Oshkosh blog or appear on the show despite announcing my run for council in '07. Sorry Tony, but Cheryl has burned another bridge.

    As for Paul being a council member and attending, I only wish that I could be there. This election did involve us as well as other county and judicial seats. Don't think that the mistakes were limited to the school board, the mistakes happened in city wards. That means that ALL the races are potentially tainted. That includes the City Council. Wouldn't you want to be there? Better yet, Why aren't you?

    Have a nice afternoon and can we please get back on topic for a while. Thank you.

    K Monte

  9. Anonymous6:51 PM


    I will not dignify the majority of your comment with a reply as it simply is not worth it. You and your friends are going to believe what you want about me and I doubt seriously you'd have the good sense to change your mind if the proof came up and bit you in the ass.

    I couldn't agree with you more, except the expression is "what goes around, comes around" and indeed it does.

    You won't be appearing on Eye on Oshkosh in the future? I'm crushed. I don't view this as having burned "another bridge" Kent. What bridge, and to what? Bridges lead somewhere Kent; there was no bridge between us. In fact, I made a decision about you and your trustworthiness a couple months ago when I gave you a certain amount of information just to see what you would do with it. Bravo, you didn't let me down.

    As for getting this discussion back on topic, it likely would not have been changed if a few of the people who obviously share your mindset would have stayed on topic rather than taking every opportunity they can to bash me in a cyberworld where they only end up sounding silly - anonymous or otherwise.

    I will not be responding to any more of this silliness. Tony has already asked that people keep the bashing and so forth off his site. But if you have anything else to say to me, be a man and pick up your phone and call. You worked the phones plenty during your campaign. Surely you haven't forgotten since Tuesday's election.

  10. Anonymous8:00 PM

    The bridges Mr. Monte still has intact will serve him well in his city council service.

  11. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I'm sick of all this.

  12. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I'm sick of it too.
