Friday, March 31, 2006

Week in Review Interview

I think a gremlin attacked my phone this morning. WPR called me at 8 a.m. and my phone simply would not work! I was able to get to another phone and joined Joy Cardin and Bob Williams about 5 minutes into the show. The interview can be found here.


  1. Hey Tony, what are you doing this weekend? Got time for a movie?
    We could watch the GREMLINS! :)
    Or how about Labyrinth?

    is that too strange????

  2. No time for movies, but I think a group of troublemakers will be meeting on Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Peace Park Sundial to do the art walk.

    Is it true that sundials play a key role in celtic/wiccan ceremonies? Does that make them religious symbols? Hmmm . . .

  3. Oh my!

    Labyrinth, Angelaiken? Whose the real David Bowie fan - your sister or YOU?

    Hoo doo? Voodoo!

  4. Anonymous2:09 AM

    How about "The Man Who Fell to Earth" ?

    Anybody seen that besides me?

    My first boyfriend thought that my appreciation for Bowie meant I had an unhealthy tolerance for androgyny and that I did not appreciate a "real man".

    Replying "Oh, I assume that means you think YOU are one?" resulted in some really creative facial expressions on his part as I recall.

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Hi Angel,
    At Gary's request, let me venture a response. Some say sundials were invented by the ancient Egyptians, though one may also find them at Machu Picchu and other places. It is Pagan, but not strictly Wiccan, though Wiccans use a direction they call deosil, which is the direction in which the shadow on a sundial moves as the Sun "moves" across the sky. Deosil is symbolic of life, positive magick, positive energies. For an interesting look at how Paganism relates to our country, you may want to check out this site:

    Namaste, Sheryl

  6. Wow! I am totally speechless, this is just wild! Good stuff, hope to hear from you again!
