Sunday, March 12, 2006

Eye on Oshkosh Viewer Mistakenly Selected Madison

Below is an email received from Eye on Oshkosh viewer John Frings. After watching Cheryl Hentz and I interview Common Council candidates Mark Madison and Kent Monte, Mr. Frings came to the conclusion that he mistakenly voted for Mr. Madison in the February primary. I'm not sure any other candidate will earn Mr. Frings' vote, because if the last sentence is taken literally it looks like he'll be voting in Canada from now on. The email is reproduced here with Mr. Frings' permission:

I have a few observations regarding your recent discussion on the television show with candidates Madison and Monte.

I voted in the primary a few weeks back and made the mistake of selecting Mark Madison as a candidate. I was not fully aware of his position on certain issues.

After watching the show I became aware that Mark Madison is yet another politician who represents the Big Brother school of government. His support of a city wide smoking ban disqualifies him for my consideration as a candidate.

If such a ban goes into effect I simply will not comply. Americans have enough rules and enough government intrusion into their personal lives, we need no more.We need much much less so let's commence the repealing.

There was discussion regarding the amphitheatre. I will propose a total boycott of the facility if smoking is banned. It may be that these people have that as a long range goal. Let's just filter out all the miscreants and those who do not march like lemmings to the beat of the new conservative philosophy. They envision some sort of utopian world order and they can always count on reactionary political types who will support whatever misguided ideas they come up with.

Every day we hear about yet another proposed law that we are going to be subject to. It is time for a total rejection of these things. We have far too many laws that govern private behavior and public behavior as well. We have the health Nazis preaching to us about how they can manage even our most personal habits for our betterment. We have the religious zealots preaching Old Testament pablum and we have the type of overly ambitious would be candidates who will invariably always propose some new law for every societal ailment. They have sterilized this society to the point that one wonders if some of the sycophants are indeed human at all. It has poisoned every facet of American life and threatens to envelope the entire world with a human race that are more automaton then human beings. Enough is enough.

These are the same clueless nitwits who wanted to legalize concealed carry weapons, want the death penalty returned to Wisconsin law and the list is nearly endless with all the other ideas they have to turn control over our lives to some government functionary.

I said some time ago and I will continue to say it until I die. America is dead or at least near death. It is time for a real revolution and that is a revolution where the people say enough is enough we want our freedom back now.

I have lived in this backwater town for 37 years. And for those who say a city that does not progress is a city that will die. Those were Mr. Madison's words. From my perspective Oshkosh has grown quite alot in some ways, frankly all the ways that matter very little. Yes we have all the strip malls, all the fast food dumps and all the rest of the service sector non job economy that fit in nicely with the "new global world philosophy". What we do not have are many good paying jobs where employee's have rights and are treated like free human beings. What we don't have is a place where people go anywhere because there is little in the way of culture, the liberal kind, and besides there's that cop waiting outside to arrest anyone who has a few drinks, heaven forbid. This ain't the Oshkosh I remember it ain't the United States I remember either. The whole damn country has gone nuts. What we get is an unceasing assault from the media, from the corporate flunkys who want to sell us some shit we don't need or want, we get the phony media who are really nothing but shills for the aforementioned, we get the flaky old farts who preach to us on cable access TV about how Jeeezus is on the side of the right and America is really not a democracy but a "REPUBLIC" (EVER HEAR ABOUT THE BILL OF RIGHTS) Which supersedes the constitution in any case. This is what we get and frankly I want to leave. I cannot stand another day of this screwed up right wing fascist country. And speaking of country I don't need to hear any more corn bred, redneck, dumb ass uneducated rural types and their sickening shit country music either. I am a damn liberal and a very pissed off one at that. Gimme my ticket to Canada I am outtttttaaaa here.


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    "If such a ban goes into effect I simply will not comply." What is he going to do? Walk into restaurants and blow smoke in our faces? How "liberal" of him.

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    What's the point here? That people who don't want to vote for Madison are stupiud? this may be the lamest post on a blog in history.

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Why repost this? Just trying to showcase someone else's idiocy for a change, or what?

    He's not a liberal. But neither are you.

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    This is the sort of rhetoric a professor of Communications feels the need to repost: "And speaking of country I don't need to hear any more corn bred, redneck, dumb ass uneducated rural types and their sickening shit country music either." Are we to assume that you agree by highlighting this?
