Saturday, February 18, 2006

Northwestern: Palmeri feels "singled out"

Recently I posted a letter I received from the UW Oshkosh administration reminding me of system rules for professors seeking public office. Today the Oshkosh Northwestern published this story by Jeff Bollier on the matter.

To repeat my position on all of this: I have no objection to system administration sending rules to candidates or even potential candidates employed by the UW. However, one would think that UW employees who have already announced their candidacies (Gordon Hintz has been clear since November of 2004 that he will be a candidate for the 54th in 2006) and those who are currently running (Burk Tower is in the Common Council primary election of Feb. 21) would receive the rules first.

Lake Winneblogo says, "It appears that there is nothing to dispute Palmeri's claim that he was singled out by the administration, for some unknown reason."


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    It is important to note the following quote from current Common Councilor and candidate for re-election, Burk Tower.

    "...You're talking about running for a full-time job versus going for a no-time job," Tower said. "My department head is always aware of what I'm doing."

    Burk's position as a councilor is part-time, but if you are going to do it right and are truly paying attention to the issues and reading/studying the material you are given, responding to constituents' calls, etc., there will be a number of hours each week that accompany this position. If Burk Tower is not spending the kind of time necessary to do the job properly or is suggesting he puts in virtually zero hours with this position, then we have a serious problem and need to rethink his future on the Common Council.

    As to his department head always knowing what he's doing, I would respectfully suggest that if anyone would know what a professor is doing it would be the university system in its entirety about Dr. Palmeri. He openly advertises his activities on his web site and through other mediums. The Oshkosh Northwestern certainly seems to know also what he's doing. You'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not know - at least as to what he is doing outside of his normal work day.

    I agree that it seems Palmeri was singled out with the mailing of this letter. And that raises questions for the UW.

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Maybe that is why Mr. Tower always "needs more information" on every topic discussed. Doesn't he spend any time on the issues? I would guess not based on his quote in todays paper. I hope that the voters take this stuff into consideration on Tuesday.

    A concerned voter and taxpayer.

  3. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Tony's post on the letter was Feb. 7, today's the 18th (you can't get much by me). Waiting 11 days after Tony, Winneblogo and who knows who else has discussed it fully - not exactly breaking news is it?

    Cheryl - good point you make that "that if anyone would know what a professor is doing it would be the university system in its entirety about Dr. Palmeri." Which I think is actually the root of the problem.

    And which leads to another point. Because, once again I see a tempest in a teapot. Another non-issue annointed with the Oils of Issue-ness. People need (productive)hobbies.

    Both Hintz and Tower MADE A DECISION to campaign and then went to their foreman or whatever the white collar boys call it. So, to review, here's the sequence -
    1. Makes Decision.
    2. Talks to Boss-man.

    Since Tony did NOT reach step #1, what evidence is there to suggest he would NOT move to step #2 immediately, probably BEFORE making a public announcement??!! Is Tony not a paragon of throughness? Captain Preparedness? A dotter of I's and a crosser of T's? Not just his own I's and T's but other people's as well? Holy crap.

    A teapot, people - short and stout.

    This is Thought Police-work. (Since Tony THOUGHT of running) Not terribly unlike Stew Reickmanns' Extra-Curricular Activity Police-work of last spring.

    The level of pre-decision communication that the bossman seems to feel is his due is usually the type of "should I or shouldn't I" chats that are reserved for wives, friends and family.

    Seems like a whole lot of people want to get to know Tony a whole lot better than they do. I don't have people clamoring for that kind of intimacy - what gives? We need a Karen Carpenter song playing in the background here. Or better yet, maybe Stew can do a little karaoke -
    "Close to Yooooouuuuuuuu"

    It all seems a little fixated, a little invasive.

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM


    I don't know if you are being sarcastic because I really don't understand your sense of humor but the reason this is even being talked about is a story that ran in TODAYS issue of the Northwestern. A story that quoted a current candidate for City Council, Burk Tower, saying that his position on the council is a "no-time job". That is what Cheryl and I commented on. Yes, Tonys letter is old news and it took the Northwestern more than a week to run the story, but this is when it ran and that is why we are now talking about it again. Although your input is nice and sometimes amusing, todays didn't make much sense. But thanks anyway.

    The concerned voter.

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    That was sentence one. See? No humor, nothing challenging - just an observation. That annoyed you?

    Since I do not have your cognitive difficulties I am aware that you were discussing Mr. Tower's claim that his position was a "no-time job". I also understand that it is an alarming statement for him to make vis-a-vis (look it up) the man's commitment to the office. I have no opinion on, or knowledge of the man (Mr.Tower) so I did not comment on that issue. Still with me?

    Next - You will note that Cheryl then returns to discussing Tony's public profile, people's reaction to him and the current issue of his being possibly singled out in relation to UW employee/candidates Hintz and Tower. I DID choose to comment on that.

    I don't think internal sniping between Tony supporters is in the best interest of anyone. Certainly not Tony. His external enemies will enjoy that immensely and there is enough fur flying and disruption caused by those people. You may have another opinion. But think it over - you wanna start something? Your call.

  6. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Jody why do you often seem so angry with people? Anonymous is on Tony's side it sounds like, but you really went after him or her. Wassup with that?

  7. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Good Morning Tony, I read with great interest the stroy in Saturdays' paper with regard to you and other candidates "running" for office. Burk Towers' comment deserves a response and a swift kick in the pants!

    "the no time job" comment that is!No time job?! Really Burk! As a past member of the council and various committees, I find this comment both inacurate and insulting. I, for one, spent far too many hours to calculate, on research, phone calls and fact finding. On average I fielded no less than 10 to 20 calls an evening. This was on top of being on committees to help build a local senior center. Plan commission, Parks boards. and Transit committees.All of these meetings were usually held during a persons regular work day.

    After watching you lack-luster performance as a Council member, I can CERTAINLY see why YOU would feel comfortable saying something like it's a "no time job". For you sir, it truly is. You come unprepared, needing more information, and unwilling or ready to vote. This however, IS NOT how many of us have approached nor conducted ourselves in the same position!

    Shame on you and your lack of respect for the important job, and hard work that IS suppose to go into being a real representative to the taxpayers of Oshkosh.

    Really,Really P.O'd former City Councilor and Mayor of Oshkosh
    Melanie Bloechl

    p.s. Tony, once again the forces of politics are at work within the U.W. system. Instead of being thrilled and even proud of your comitment to the community, and your involvement in dispelling the old "town and gown theory". These folks would rather drive even larger wedges between us. You are a shining example of "One person CAN make a difference." Congratulations on being a royal pain in the ass to those who fear really smart, outspoken activists!

  8. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Tony, you just don't seem to get it. Hintz has been PART TIME the entire time he has been on payroll at UWO, so any thing that he chooses to do during the half of his time he's not expected to be doing UWO related things is not their concern. He DID talk to his supervisor to make sure that he didn't have to worry.

    For the record, no one should ever have the right to go third person. It's a horribly pompous, pretentious, and annoying thing to have to do, and my respect for anyone who feels that they need to put themselves on that sort of level completely disapears.

    That being said, good luck with whatever you do--Just please, stay off your high horse.

  9. Dear Anonymous,
    I'm afraid it is YOU who do not get it. The issue here is not who is full time or part time or who talks to their chair. UW System policies do not single out full-time faculty for warnings about campaigning. The issue is whether the administration will send rules to declared candidates to whom the rules actually apply, or to undeclared candidates to whom they might apply at some future date. If their position is to send the policies to undeclared candidates only then I think that's the kind of absurdity that gets the UW the "increased scrutiny" the provost is worried about.
    And by the way, what in heaven's name are you talking about regarding "third person?" The only third person tense in my original post was the headline, which came not from me but directly from the Oshkosh Northwestern story.
    But even if I did use third person, when you say something like "no one should ever have the right to go third person" without any noticeable irony it's difficult to tell if you are just an internet troll or really ill. If the former, I ask that you stop posting on this blog. If the latter, get help!

  10. Anonymous10:51 PM

    You were quoted in the Northwestern in the third person.

  11. Anonymous6:11 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I just deleted an anonymous comment that accused me of engaging in illegal campaign activities with no evidence presented. If anyone wants to libel me or anyone else on this blog they will have to post their name to do it.
