Thursday, February 23, 2006

How's this for a decisive Doyle

Wisconsin Governor Jim The New Democrat Doyle was recently asked for his view on the troop withdrawal referendums that will be appearing on the ballot in more than 20 Wisconsin municipalities in April. All of the referendums call for an immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. How's this for a decisive answer from the Guv: "I think an immediate (withdrawal) would be a very difficult thing to accomplish. And I'm not sure we would like what the results are. Having said that, I guess it's in the meaning of the word immediate."

Dear Governor: On issues like the referendum people want to know if yer fer it or agin' it. If yer agin' it that's fine. Stop with the New Democrat triangulating already. It's disgusting and won't gain you any votes. (Democrats lost the majority of governorships and state legislatures when this kind of mealy-mouthed hogwash became the discourse norm for the party leadership.).

What about Doyle's view on Russ Feingold's relatively tame call for a "timetable" for withdrawal? "I think there are good arguments on both sides," said Doyle.

Say what you want about Mark Abramoff Green, but at least he's been clear that he's solidly behind Bush's conduct of the war.


  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Didn't you already learn that promulgating unrealistic, unfeasible hogwash loses elections?

    Would you honestly, truly rather have Republican governor than a Democrat? I hope no one ever accuses you of being liberal again.

  2. "Would you honestly, truly rather have Republican governor than a Democrat?"

    To quote Mediocritus: "I think there are good arguments on both sides"

  3. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Um, were you trying to sound as indecisive as Doyle?

  4. To paraphrase Mediocritus: I think it's in the meaning of the word indecisive.

  5. And now for a weather update: It's going to clear up cloudy.

  6. Anonymous7:03 PM

    "Mediocritus", huh?

    Aside from promulgating in public again (haven't we talked about that?!) you seem to be dabbling in levels of subtlety that are not approved by the Ministry of Obsequious Obviousness.

  7. Anonymous10:12 PM

    In response to the first anon., obviously palmeri knows how to lose elections! look at his history...heh heh...but i agree, Doyle needn't be so damn indecisive.
